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Broccoli18 and Bootloader - SUCCESS!!!

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OK, maybe that was enough of that:

Fx3_hdrive: You probably have read our "advices". I'm (We are(?)) willing to help you, if you have sensible questions to ask.

Bye, Moebius

p.s as Martin said:

I don't want to offend you, but IMHO the projects on ucapps belong to the best documented audio/midi diy projects in the web...

This is absolutely true.

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I build my first Broccoli ... because i NEVER succed prog a 18F452 with my JDM or my 2 others commercial "JDM style" programmer ..

I made it with High voltage mod ( 9V on MCLR / GND ) ....

But when i "readcfg.exe" i have only FF (device id, etc..)

and the PIC is not recognize ....?

I try to erase it , change to another 18F452 ... but still the same ...

I notice i don't have "SPP" in my bios parallel config ...

Any idea ?

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Try doing it again and again and again...Zillion times ;) This is what I had to do. Even after replacing 9v battery with a DC adaptor. (Eventually it worked on both setups)..

After PIC was identified, it worked perfect until I unplugged it and changed PIC.. then I had to repeat that repetition ;)

Bye, Moebius

p.s. I think that I tried changing port configurations, and as it didn't seem to help I just switched it back to ECP or ECP+SPP..

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I s**t some broccoli on JDM !  ;D

The best one in ages - at least you still have your sense of humor...

Still consider, you made some progress, by getting configuration bits out.. It think that these ParPort programmers are pain in the ass - different voltages, different I/O delays, different chipsets..

Which OS are you using? You might try to use DOS port of broccoli.. (remember PortTalk if on NT based platform)

Bye, Moebius

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Hi again, back after a long time (full of work...),

IMHO there's maybe a problem to get your voltages stable or maybe a problem with the timing in the chain of PC software/parallel port - PIC !

after replacing the 9V batterie by a power supply, i can read the pic config .. but the soft is still saying me ("Warning, unable to identify PIC") ....

This is a very good sign, don't give up now!

I had the same probs in the first phase of testing the broccoli burner!

If you can read the config there's a very good chance to get it working because you're already listening to the belly of the pic.  

so here's some things that i would try to do:

- resolder all solder pads/points (not much effort on this one really ;D)

- measure the exact voltages at the pic socket with portdiag.exe (maybe you can get a hint for a weak connection to the parallel port somewhere)

-measure the voltage of the psu (since you came a big step further with switching to it instead of a battery)

a wall wart supply is not *that* precise often...i had some of the 9V supplies (*freshly bought*) delivering 12-15(!!!) Volt and even some the other way 'round...never read the label but the multimeter...after that said, stability of cheap wall warts is a chapter of it's own (and a dark one too)...

- try a bigger/other value/other type of cap! Caps can behave very different in analogue means...look at the fine differences audiophools make when they want to recap their superduper highend psu's...you can hardly make something wrong here...it's really just a bypass cap to stabilize the voltage...try a bigger one first, maybe yours went old and weak (something not easy to measure...) or a bigger one and a small high quality (tantal?foil?) one in parallel? try'n'error - that's the analogue part of the story...

PS: The repeating trick seems to play a big role in this place...i try to repeat as fast as i can for a few times and then i get the pic type detected...don't really know what kind of effect this is - ANYONE else?

The last chance i see is to play with different timings in the software...they are hardcoded (i already saw the value somewhere in the source package but can't remember where, should not be hard to find...)- BUT if it's not that new or difficult for you to recompile a small project like the broc packet - give it a try with diffrent values...

It think that these ParPort programmers are pain in the ass

Thought the same about JDM ;) btw it doesn't work until now (i think debugging time is >50h by now...seems to be just a prestige thing to me i think  >:( IBOUGHTTHEPCBANDINVESTEDSOMUCHTIMEIMUSTGETITTOWORKEVENIFIHAVETOSEARCHTHEERRORFORTHERESTOFMYLIFE!!!!! :o Oops...TaiChi-time again...no more coffee anymore... :P

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  • 2 months later...

I just reread this thread which I had contributed to over the summer and it seems that someone took my comments about going to the beach the wrong way.

Because this is my favourite forum Im upset to think that FX3 would consider my comments worthy of getting upset about. I really was off to the beach. I spent over 6 months very carefully testing 2 JDM pcbs and could never get them to work. Any time I posted up for help I ensured that I had searched the invaluable forum well before posting caffeine induced sulky posts.

Then martin very kindly posted this helpful solution and I did manage to burn the PIC chip at gone midnight knowing full well that my flight to Spain was less that 6 hours away. So I wasnt being flippant :) it was true I was taking a well earned rest to read and relax. Thats how come  dont need to post aggressive replies to such a wonderful community....

Just setting the record straight as some may have misinterpretted my summer post!

All I can say is that this is the most helpful web community I was ever part of and it would be a shame if it developed into another forum for sulky people ;)


Dave mK

ps the suntans faded now!

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  • 8 months later...

Well, after struggling with the JDM I tried this..

And, no luck

All the .exe's seem to hang (even with userpot configured).  Worse yet, connecting a 9v from pin 1 to ground caused the PIC and battery to get very hot!!  so much so that I could feel the heat through the breadboard!

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  • 4 weeks later...


Status: Works for me, monokinetic and Martin, at least ;)

A few modifications needed, because you'll only use it in high voltage mode:

You don't need to connect D2<->PGM/RB5.

Leave D3 <-> Vpp/MCLR unconnected and use 9v battery between PIC Vss pin (-) and Pic Vpp pin (+)

This is a very good tip from Martin:

PS: The repeating trick seems to play a big role in this place...i try to repeat as fast as i can for a few times and then i get the pic type detected...don't really know what kind of effect this is - ANYONE else?

My Broccoli18 NEVER works right away.. readcfg works only after Nth+1 time (first giving "Warning, unable to identify PIC" errors), but after the PIC has been identified the programmer works rock solid until I switch the PIC.

So, thanks again Martin,


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so - let me get this straight - i only need:

1 220ohm resistor

1 0.1uF electrolyte

1 9V battery / wallwart adapter

1 socket

1 connector

?!?!? if that's true then i'm wondering why this isn't on the mainpage already... you really don't even need the protoboard for this...

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so - let me get this straight - i only need:

1 220ohm resistor

1 0.1uF electrolyte

1 9V battery / wallwart adapter

1 socket

1 connector

Something like that and something for the 3VDC supply. I used wallwart for the 3VDC and battery for the 9VDC. If you really want to be sure, check the Broccoli18 page and calculate the resistor value: http://home.earthlink.net/~davesullins/software/pic18f.html

And from the programming side of view, the LCD should work fine.  ::)

Bye, Moebius

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thanks alot. i'll build this today.

by the way - it's hard to get a 0.1uF elko here, but someone mentioned trying 0.22 or something. did that work? would that work?

about the lcd - tk wrote in his first post that there will be some problems with the lcd because of one of the PIC pins is used that shouldn't be. or something. but disconnecting that pin from the programmer solves that?

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YAY!!! got it!!!

;D ;D ;D

at the end i had to put both 0.1uF tantal and 0.22uF elko in parallel. and a 220Ohm resistor. and use linux.

but DAMN was it hard. frst i tried it on 3 different machines on winXP. then with all the possible IO-allow drivers. nothing. changed the caps, tried the combinations, ... changed the resistors, ... nothing. then i tried it in MS-DOS 6.0. nothing. at this point i was pretty much sure that the pics are broken. and i went to sleep.

in the morning (actually in my dreams) i remembered that i never got the measurements right with the portdiag.exe. so the fault had to be in LPT communications. i tried in linux then... a few more combos with caps and ... SUCCESS!!!

thanks to you guys i have a mbsid running and working HAHAHA YAY YAY YAY i'm so happy!!!

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