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Sugestion for midibox64

Guest Fractal

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Guest Fractal

Hi everybody,

 I was configuring my midibox for Reason, when an idea come into my mind.

 Supouse you "only" have 16 pots, which is my case.

 I think I would be great if I could group and label some pots, so I can have an group for a module in Reason.

 Then you could save and restore this groups from BankStick,  and assign the just restored group to new position.

  This would able to change the configuration of the pots to the modules that you are using in Reason without saving multiples configurations in the BankStick.

  The idea is to modularize more the configuration of the pots.

I think that I haven't explained myself very well, hope you can undertand. If not, I think I can make some pictures to explain me more and better.

Any comments ?

BTW- Thanks Thorsten !!!!, for this incredible machine and for making it free

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