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core problem...

Guest ignamato

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Guest ignamato

I´ve made about 10 modified cores for a project with leds using pic16f877 programmed with jdm. I always have a problem with the cristal that I solved in most cases taking out the 33pf capacitors. Is there something to check out? Is like the pic is reseting constantly. thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest kostix

do you have your watchdog timer enabled ?

if so, the watchdog timer is used for reseting the pic if something goes wrong and it hangs or something

to prevent it from reseting the pic, you have to reset the watchdog timer every speciffic time interval.

the easy and "cold" solution is to disable it, this will stop rebooting the pic.

about the clock, i've had issues with this aswell when i was in my first tries at pic programming.

are you using the correct clock setting ? you can change that either in the asm code, or in the programmer software.

Look for the special configuration registers in the PIC datasheet, which is where u can configure both of these things.


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Guest ignamato

yes... this also happend with the original code from midibox64... so the clock and watchdog are set correctly (hs resonator and watchdog off).

I also put my finger between the two pins of the clock and starts.... I only have to take off the 33 cap and I get it working... strange thing...

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