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LCD Problems

Guest komodo

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Guest komodo

Hi everybody,

I've just build a core module, i think all is fine except the lcd. I've a 2x20 lcd (with KS0066) but in 4 bit mode(connect to D4-D7 of the 18F) . Can i connect it to a core with mios 1.7 (without modifying anything) ? I've connect it and got weird characters (OO/ooo) on the two lines.

i've another problem. In order to test my core module, I've upload mbhp_tv_v1_3.zip with midi ox and when i plug this in my tv set, i see alternatively the logo mbhp then black screen (half a second each).

Sorry if it's not clear, my english is so bad, i'm on reunion island (french) in the middle of the indian ocean (yes there are midibox here)...


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Guest komodo

Hi everybody,

I've just build a core module, i think all is fine except the lcd. I've a 2x20 lcd (with KS0066) but in 4 bit mode(connect to D4-D7 of the 18F) . Can i connect it to a core with mios 1.7 (without modifying anything) ? I've connect it and got weird characters (OO/ooo) on the two lines.

i've another problem. In order to test my core module, I've upload mbhp_tv_v1_3.zip with midi ox and when i plug this in my tv set, i see alternatively the logo mbhp then black screen (half a second each).

Sorry if it's not clear, my english is so bad, i'm on reunion island (french) in the middle of the indian ocean (yes there are midibox here)...


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