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core not receiving sysex


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hey there

i am pulling my hair out at this! haha

i had been blaming my soundcard, so i went out and bought a midiman usb -> midi device. and i'm getting the same problem with being able to send but not receive.

the core is on its own with only the midi sockets and psu connected.

i am getting the 2 second requests for mios no problems in midiox

i have completed all the troubleshooting methods, the main ones are described below:

solder two cables to the bottom side of the core module like shown in mbhp_core_midiin_debug.gif. The LED should lit (take the polarity of the LED into account, the short leg is the cathode and has to be connected via a resistor to Vss). So long as single MIDI events are received, you won't notice a difference, but with a continuous SysEx stream the LED should begin to flicker.

- led lights but does not flicker when i send a large sysex chunk, is this strange?

see mbhp_core_midiin_debug2.gif - in this configuration the LED should only lit when MIDI data is received. Than more MIDI events are received a time, than brigther the LED.

- the led does flash when the sysex chunk is sent

final check to ensure that all 4 MIDI ports are working: put the PIC out of the socket and loopback the MIDI IO ports at the Rx/Tx pins like demonstrated in mbhp_core_extract_io_loopback.gif.

- this works fine

it seems strange that all the tests seem to work except the one not flickering!

any help or advice on this would be excellent and greatly appreciated! :)

cheers and thanks in advance,

Rowan Hall

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