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SID VSTi controller plugin (A fresh start)

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Right i was workin with Thorsten a few months back on creating a VSTi to control and store patches for the MIDIbox SID project ,Thorsten had a holiday for a while and i ended up very ill so i haven't had contact with him since but i will be remedying that in the next couple of days ,Firstly it wasn't fully working because i haven't got a MSID and i really didnt understand the MIDI bytes stuff but all the CCs were implemented ,Now down to business a fresh start is needed and im gonna need help ,I still haven't got a clue about the MIDI byte stuff but have ordered a SID kit and i have 6 SID chips ready to go so i should have a step A up and runnin soon ,What i actually need is someone who can explain this MIDI byte stuff to me better and any other feedback would be nice too ,I must add that this project is being prototyped in Synthedit and then will be ported to C++ for mac users and so on.



Nu Audio Science

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hi, to start, i don't know much about midi byte stuff, but i do have a working midi controller made in synth edit. i was actually designing it for the same exact purpose. it took a bit to figure out how to route it so that the midi was being sent properly, but i got it working. the only down side i've found is that it wont work in omni mode, only 1-16. for some reason, the guy that programed the main modules didn't prgram for omni. anyway, i can send you the synth edit file and you can go from there. i too haven't made my sid yet. i have been lucky in have alot of friends that are pack rats and still have their old c64's. now just to wait for the money to get the rest of the hardware. anyway, hope this helps. you can email me at havensole@charter.net

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Cheers dude im not gonna do the silly thing of trying to take it on without a SID box this time but my kit came from coinoptech yesterday so i should have it built soon ,Only problem i have now is gettin a power supply an LCD and an encoder ;D ,Oh yeah then i gotta right this plug ;) ,For anyone interested once the SE plug is wo9rkin its gonna be ported to JUCE so it can be used on any platform 8)

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As you may have noticed, I too have some work in progress for MB Sid patch editor (SidPEC in SourceForge). The problem is that I got a bit too ambitious and the system is just growing. Currently the implemented stuff can read and write both MB Sid and SidStation patch bank SysEx files and model their contents as classes/objects. When I find enough time, the implementation will undergo more testing and making the function interfaces more robust.

I don't know if you could (or should) utilize the classes in your implementation (or is it even possible to use GPL stuff and Steinbergs VST stuff in same code), but still it is an alternative. (And the evil idea here is that VSTi could offer both GUI and a real MIDI interface ;) ) But if these two projects could be merged, it'd might be fruitful.



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glad to hear thaty there are some other people working on this thing. i don't have a sid yet, but i have the vst working on a midi-able fx unit and a filter, so i'm sure it'll work on the sidbox. its really open ended right now, just tell it what cc you want the knob to send, and it does, design whaever you want as far as an interface, and there you have it. what would be nice would be to make it a stand alone so that a host app wouldn't be needed, but thats way out of my field of knowledge. i really can't wait to make one for the fmbox when it comes out. already have tons of ideas about that with graphical wave shapers like in fm7. like i said before, if anybody wants the synthedit file, email me and i'll send it to you. have a good one.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there, I have just started looking at implementing a VST controller with synthedit, so far I have only implemented a few controls, I wonder if this is along the same lines as you have been creating?


I hope to complete this fairly soon now I have got to grips with synthedit, with an interface similar to that of the JSynthLib patch editor. I would be interested to take a look at the source file or a desciption of how far you have taken yours so far.


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