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Hey all!

New board layouts:




The usual questions:

The SH board won't be available as a pre-made pcb.  There simply are not enough of the SH chips left to justify a run of boards.

There is no .brd file for SHX8_X2, it's too large for Eagle freeware.  The released .pdf file is made up of two EPS files from two separate .brd layouts.  Yes I was bored on the road.  ;)

The new AIN boards will be shipping very soon, the AIN_V2 version is sold out and has been replaced by the new one (R2).  

The V2 docs are still up and won't go away.

Have fun!


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Thanks guys!  ;D

There is nothing more fun than playing "trace tetris" on a single sided board.  It's like a puzzle with many different possible solutions.

Designing double sided or multi-layer stuff is way easier and not nearly as much fun........all that using shield layers to compensate for interference/bad placement.......too easy ;)

I would like to move the DIN and DOUT to dual-row connectors on the ins/outs also in the future.  Should save massive build time on each box (I hate crimping SIL pins, and I even have the correct crimper and an electric wire stripper!)

Keep the suggestions/comments coming and you will see them in future revisions of the layouts I do.........



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Thanks guys!  ;D

I would like to move the DIN and DOUT to dual-row connectors on the ins/outs also in the future.  Should save massive build time on each box (I hate crimping SIL pins, and I even have the correct crimper and an electric wire stripper!)

Keep the suggestions/comments coming and you will see them in future revisions of the layouts I do.........



and 2 row IDC's are so easy, just ribbon cable and a vise, bang done 30 seconds!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all!

Another new board layout:


No jumpers required.  ;)

The usual questions:

The new LTC boards will be shipping very soon, the LTC_V2 version is sold out and has been replaced by the new one (R2). 

The V2 docs are still up and won't go away.

Yes I'm doing an OPL board, with soldermask & silkscreen, already designed and ordered (waiting on fabrication).

I'm sold out of Core boards, more are in process though and should be available the same day as the new LTC and OPL boards.

I stocked up in anticipation of this, but extra demand from a mention on the hackaday site wiped out that stock.

Last time I estimated a ship date I got it wrong, and with unusual delays in fabrication (Chinese new year) I'm not going to guess about a shipping date on this one just yet......

Sorry for the delay, I'm anxious too, as I sold the boards I was about to use on one of my own boxes!  ;D



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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear SmashTV

I sent you an email off the forum. I thought at the time that there was something wrong with the forum. I have since found out that my recently installed firewall settings were the problem.

Since sending you the email have  come across your discussion on designing new Din's and Dout's using  IDC dual row connectors.  This would be very attractive to me.  Have you some idea of time scales.

Regards Robin

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Since sending you the email have  come across your discussion on designing new Din's and Dout's using IDC dual row connectors.  This would be very attractive to me.  Have you some idea of time scales.

Regards Robin

Hi Robin

I really have no idea about a time estimate on this, but I do know that it probably won't happen with single sided boards.

The real estate vs. density just does not work, the boards would have to be much larger to use dual row connections (and still remain single sided).

All is not lost though, double sided boards don't cost a whole lot more to have done, and the benefit (and lack of jumpers) is worth the relatively small difference in cost.

It all comes down to time, I'm barely up to speed with the OPL3 module and there are quite a few other things that need my attention before a redesign/test cycle.  Not to mention the hours upon hours it will take to build new documentation for new boards..... :o



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Whoop I forgot to mention that the OPL boards are now (finally!) available at my store.  Preliminary documentation, parts list, etc are available in the info section.

These OPL boards match the released boards on ucapps.de, except the parts are numbered to match Thorsten's schematic/my parts lists, etc.

They are pro quality boards with silkscreen, HASL plating, and most importantly soldermask (makes the surface mount parts much easier).

Please let me know if you notice any errors on my infopage..... :)



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  • 1 month later...

Hi smash,

I am currently working hard on mounting my encoders, buttons and the like on my front panel. This is really a pain because you have to drill, solder, redrill, measure, solder, throw away, restart from scratch and it takes a lot of my precious time. As far as I can see from the gallery pics everybody is using the same design, so I was thinking It couls be a could idea to offer mounting kits in your shop. Something like a PCB drilled to fit the parts you are already selling, and everything it needs with it, or only the pcb. It could be a 8 slot PCB (ie 2 row of 4 encoders/buttons), 4 slots ... Anybody agree ?

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... Anybody agree ?

... NO  ;D ... in other words: I don't care  :-\

As far as I can see from the gallery pics everybody is using the same design

... well, then for shure they all look the same. It then leads everybody into this direction for shure. - Being human meens: Being lazy  ;) If you can get it with less effort you won't be encouraged to make your own design.

Greets, Roger

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Well I do not think I am being lazy here. The thing is i have a son and wife to take care of and a job. Building my box is a lot of fun and is really self rewarding. Anyway, despite I really like building it what really want is to play with it. Tweak its sexy knobs, push buttons, hear my sounds getting big fast and easy. I did not start building a box just to build it ;).

I do not really see how one can build its own design when it comes to grouping knobs, buttons and leds together. Midi hardware always comes with rows/lines/blocks of 4/8/16/32/64 knobs/buttons. This because we are living in a world of bits and bytes, arent we ?? :D

I follow what is, I think, the best way so far to mount those on front panel. ie Getting a test board, drilling it to fit components and building the circuit with standard wires. But it makes me fill like my box is loosing quality there. I do not have the tools/skills needed to do a professionnal job. By having those standard mounting PCB we could get a box done faster and in a better way. Just like with the modules PCB it would be a standard part (but still modular) one could get easily.

When thorsten designed the first MB the PCB were something you had to do yourself or replace by the same test boards then came smashTV to ease our lives. Maybe the same process could be applied here.

Well anyway I still think it could be a great thing :D.

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Well I do not think I am being lazy here.

... this shouldn't be an offense against you or anybody else at all !!! I don't want to say, that you're lazy in a way of hanging around, doing nothing.

What I mean: It's in the nature of us humans, that we always take the way of less effort (naturally).

Greets, Roger

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