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MB Seq V2 and multiple bankstick


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Regarding the MBSeqV2 specs, it seems that it's limited to 2 x 24LC256 or 1 x 24LC512. Any reason ?

Isn't any multiple bankstick support like with the MBSid ? Maybe it's planned for a new release, but nothing about this in the specs.

So should I have to make a multiple bankstick board or not (that's not the biggest part of the work) ?



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if i all understand ,the 2 bankstick is a limitation of the app.

see "http://www.subfrequenz.net/techlog/mbox64b.htm" and you will see how to put more bankstick.

puis va voir sur la partie française,j'ai mis un post pour me débarrasser de pièces inutile ,dont un rotary switch deux poles ,six positions.si tu le veux ,mail moi.

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Hi Moxi !

I don't like this solution. Don't ask me why, but I prefer the SID approach.

But if this limitation can't and will never be avoid, I will prefer something like DB9 with 24LC inside.

Thank you for your offer, but I think that I've some rotary switch in stock.


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Hum, I find the answer on the MB Seq Hardware Options page :

"Multiple BankSticks for more than 128 patterns and 16 songs are not supported yet, but planned."

So I will use a single 24LC512 and wait for an update with multiple bankstick support.



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