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High quality 3 axis trackball assemblys with TTL output on ebay


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I just brought one of these to experiment with:


Get in quick they wont last long! I might get a cheap usb mouse and hook it up to the encoder tracks on the mouse. If it works well...................USB trackball in a built into a midibox anyone ;D


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I havn't recived my trackball yet, I'm not expecting it till next week. I'm sure that this will work, that only problem I see it the number of pules per revolution that the trackball provides. The trackballs output 150ppr or 300ppr depending on the size. This could be too many puleses, but i'll wait and see. It sems worth the risk to me.


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I was thinking about using the trackball to position the cursor on screen and the housing to set the value :)

Or XYZ modulation, think Cutoff/Resonance/Detune or Cutiff/Res/PWM... MMM...nasty chompy noises...

Or an X-Y modulator with mod depth in the housing wheel....

The mind boggles. Wish the quote would come!

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Yeh they sure do get the imagination going :)

Might have a problem with ordering from Aus though, guys... This seller doesnt take paypal, so it's a slow and expensive bank transfer... $40 before we even start :(

If someone in the UK would let me paypal the money to them and then buy them for us that would rock... Otherwise they might be a bit much.

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Glasgow, ah you have that accent! I'll always hear you with that accent now when I read your posts ahaha

No need to ship from work bro, I'll pay you for shipping and beers for the favour ;)

Hey I was thinking about that whole thing with the rate they pulse at, you could use a S&H or it occurred to me today a counter IC could do the job nicely...

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I've got kiwi accent ;)

It will be easier for me to ship from work, as we use UPS evey day to send out products. I'll find out how much it will cost. PM me your address. Have a look around ebay uk to see if there is anything else you or others in OZ want.


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This seller doesnt take paypal

I just got a reply back from him saying he does.

Hey, who here is bidding on what?  We should probably try to avoid bidding against each other :).  I'm bidding on the following item numbers, but I don't mind changing to a different equivalent item if I'm up against someone here ...

Trackball      7610659116

VFD 4x20    7609789452

VFD 2x20 x2 7609787912

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