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DIN R3 Connections?


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I am unsure how to connect my encoders and switches to the new DIN module for my SID control surface?.

I have noticed there is only one Vs for each DIL jumper (J3,J4,J5,and J6) but on the SID CS DIN map .pdf there is one Vs on each SIL jumper row... ???

So, how should I be hooking up my encoders and switches? I have searched the various pages and forum posts and cannot find any documentation on the new DIN(R3) board's connection specifics.


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Well unfortunately, I thought I had figured it out but when I tried it I could not get it to work  ???

Smash (or anyone else that knows!), Correct me if I'm wrong but,

I believe that they are set up this way (with 10 pin DIL headers) to make it easier to build/setup and so that the female 10 pin IDC connectors can be used, making the single Vs on each of the four 10 pin header jumpers common for each jumper. this in turn brings the common Vs closer to each input connection to be wired on that particular jumper. Similar to what SmashTV stated in a previous post about the new DOUT R3 module. If this is pitifully wrong, someone please correct me on how to connect the encoders and switches to a DIN R3 for a SID CS setup!!

I was attempting to connect just the appropriate inputs for the step A control surface using a DINX4 R3 kit from SmashTV. All parts were connected to the board except for the other 3 74HC165 logic ICs that are not to be used yet. That is what I'm supposed to do right?

So anyway, I'll have to try it again soon once I have gotten some more rainbow ribbon cable, connectors and such...


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