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Pic not sending upload Request!

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ive now tried using MIOS Studio on three different computers with three different midi interfaces (m-audio uno / 2x2 / yamaha umt-ex)

i have also tried using 3 different PICS (all smash tv/ bootsrap 1.1b) in the same core

each time i try to upload the hex i get the same messages as previously listed in this thread.

java type installed - ' jdk-1_5_0_07-windows-i586-p.exe ' - is it possible this is the wrong JAVA to install?

other than that -

i get the correct voltage checks on the core

midi is going in  / comming out of the core

ive done cable loopbacks in MIOS studio and it recevies exactly what it sends

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Wrong Java. That's the java developers kit not the runtime... But I think J2SE (which is what you need) is included in JDK, so you might be OK. I would download the J2SE again to be sure.

For Perl (not Pearl) you need to download and install activeperl. See my page on the wiki for links and installation instructions.

Did you try the workaround as suggested by TK? What were your results?

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Hi Stryd -

the work around is not clear to me - how do you implement it?

i am still asking what 'shell' do you use to type the  commands? i have tried using both perl and command prompt unsuccessfully

i can load a sysex into midi ox and send it - that is not a problem

its converting the hex into a sysex that is unclear

quote -

Open a shell and change to the directory which contains the application. Simply start the batch file "CONVERT.BAT" (by typing convert), or type the whole command line perl mk_syx.pl main.hex to convert this .hex file to a .syx file

so thats the instructions -

i need to know -

1 - what is the shell ? (i am running XP)

2 - how do you change directories? - is it like this ' c:documents and settings/mios hex'

3 - 'hange to the directory which contains the application' - define the application please

4 - do i type everything that is mentioned between the quoates - "perl hex2syx.pl -os_upload update_without_installed_mios.hex"

5 - what does this mean ? - (attend the "-os_upload"!)

sorry to ask of so many questions -  but i really cant find the answers to these anywhere else

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1 - what is the shell ? (i am running XP)

2 - how do you change directories? - is it like this ' c:documents and settings/mios hex'

3 - 'hange to the directory which contains the application' - define the application please

4 - do i type everything that is mentioned between the quoates - "perl hex2syx.pl -os_upload update_without_installed_mios.hex"

5 - what does this mean ? - (attend the "-os_upload"!)

sorry to ask of so many questions -  but i really cant find the answers to these anywhere else

1 - Click Start... Run... and type CMD and hit enter. It's a "DOS prompt".

2 - Type "CD <directory name>". For example, to get to c:\temp\mios\



cd temp

cd mios



cd c:\temp\mios

3 - The application is the MIOS application you have downloaded and extracted (from the zip file) and edited, like MBSID

4 - yes

5 - It means don't skip that text, be sure to type it!

Not meaning to be rude but 1 and 2 are basic Microsoft DOS or Windows knowledge, you might get more enjoyment (or at least less frustration) out of your PC if you do a short course (like a one or two day course) or something... the answer to 3 is on the wiki, have you read all of that? it's pretty good I think :)

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i am still asking what 'shell' do you use to type the  commands? i have tried using both perl and command prompt unsuccessfully

perl is an application that runs from the command prompt. It runs scripts (like hex2syx.pl) which take a file as an input, and output a new file based on the parameters you specify. the "-os_upload update_without_installed_mios.hex" parameter tells hex2syx.pl to create a syx file for an OS (operating system) upload, from the input file named update_without_installed_mios.hex. The command prompt is the name for the shell of the windows and dos operating systems.

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