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convert midi clock into bpm


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OK, Ok sorry for the double post

sorry for the smiley (i never utilise it)

thank you for your answer

The problem with clockbox : it donesn't receive midi clock just Send

Monitor is good but in assembler.

So i'm swimming a little



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I don't want all the monitor application. I just want the code who convert received midi clock(0xF8) into BPM.

For include in application who i'm writing. After converting midi clock into bpm, i want to display the BPM on LCD screen.

excuse me for my english(cause i'm french).

Thanks a lot.


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I actually enjoyed the smiley ???


But you haven't looked at the clockBox source in detail, haven't you?


void MCLOCK_BPMSet(unsigned char bpm);

unsigned char MCLOCK_BPMGet(void);

unsigned int MCLOCK_GetTimerValue(unsigned char bpm);

It's all there, the formula, the cycles, ASM-optimized divisions... you just need to crunch it down to your needs and implement a MIDI-Event notification that substitutes or calls void MCLOCK_Timer();



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Well, the code is commented very well and explains nearly everything. I understand it does not exactly what you want, but basically it's all there, you just have to use the snippets that are relevant for your needs or implement clock_receive() handlers (which would be a good point to get help from us, because I see that is something more people might request).

If you don't understand anything, this might be a bit too complex thing to start with, because divisions (esp. with high numbers) need mixed ASM code and I have to admit that there are some lines I don't understand either, but to be honest: everyone has to fight with some lines of code. Don't give up so fast!

All I can say is: the code is there, you just have to use it.

If you have specific questions and I know the answer, I might help, but I'm not going to do all the work for you (at least not now, maybe in a few months when my other projects are finished ;) )

Good Luck!


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