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bulk order for ymf262 and yac512


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hi all

i am planning to make an order for some ymf262 and yac512 chips in about a week.

problem is that the seller wants a minimum order which is much more than i require.

anyone in Australia want to join in, please reply with their requests.

at the moment i estimate the price to be:

au$11.50 per chip (either ymf262 or yac512) plus au$5 for postage to anywhere in Australia (parcelpost). 

if there is enough interest, maybe the seller will give a bulk discount.


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hey stride

i know the price i gave is a little steep, but i am not making any profit on this (it will cost me the same per chip).  with a larger order, hopefully the per item costs will go down and we will all save. 

as i said before, i will pay my fair share and plan the break even with the everyone elses orders.  when i make the order, i will let eveyone who put dibs in know how much it will cost them.

the postage is intended to use the prepaid 500g satchels @ au$4.90 from australia post.  i have plenty of tubes and electrobags so i don't see any other costs.

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The website described in the thread below this one has 'em for $5.00 US each!

I believe I bought 2 YMF262 and 4 YAC512 from them for less than $40 dollars US a few months ago.

I would recommend trying them if you haven't already.


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I think there are cheaper, new-old-stock chips out there, you just have to shop around.

I know you've probably factored in shipping costs, wire transfer, etc. but I think I got a much cheaper quote, like under US$5 per chip. If you want, I can dig it up for you...

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hi all

tel3 mentioned a site selling for us$5.  that is the site i approached and they quoted us$6 each, add shipping (from usa to oz) and take exchange rate into account and it works out to be about au$11.50 each.

i forgot to mention before that these are reputed to be virgin chips, never used before.

now if this is too expensive, compare the going price for sid chips from commodore 64's - look up the midibox sid forum - they are selling for much more and for a chip with less capability.  and of course if you are confident with desoldering - you can take used chips from disused sound blaster cards, which would be cheaper still.

now as i said before, the current going rate is au$11.50 (that is how much per chip it will be costing me so far) and if it works out cheaper, i will directly pass the saving on.  just thought it would be best to have everyone informed.


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try these guys, probably best to do it through a company


as i recall it's about half the price you quoted (to be expected if it's wholesale not buying from a retailer) minimum order is $100 us... not sure if thats per part or per order... i think we got about 50 chip sets between us (1x ymf 2x yacc) to get the price we did... though shipping (they won't send via post, only fedex etc) and sales taxes bumped that price up a fair amount in the end

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