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Looking for a MIDIbox SID...


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is anyone selling his MIDIbox SID? I have two left hands and no expirience in DIY synthz for building a MIDIbox SID...

I was also looking at ebay since six months now... nothing.

so is anyone selling his? this would be wonderful.

or changing for an analog synth? ( like dynacord add-one/jen 100 etc?)

best regards from berlin


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Hi diet,

It is against the licensing of the midibox to use it commercially, so it would be illegal to sell one. The idea is that you can learn and grow your skills by making something fun to use. This would be the reason you don't see them on eBay.

It's really not that hard to do, why not give it a shot?

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because I am working nearly 70 hours a week... and I do not have the time for this...

I already have a hardsid with 4 sid´s... but while I am working all day in front of my computer I am not interested in switching this machine on at home...

this is the reason why I would like to have it as hardware.

and it seems that the possibilities of this synthz are much more than using a sidstation.



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