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Question for Pilo: PGA 4311 Analog Volume Control


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Hi Pilo

Hopefully you still stop by this thread once in a while because after doing an extensive search you seem to be the only one that's attempted to incorporate the PGA chip into a midi box....and I could use your help. 

On paper this chip seems perfect for controlling analog volume, but how did it really hold up?  Did it add any noise or artifacts to the audio signal?  Was there any degradation.  How does it compare to a true analog fader, VCA's, VCR's, and other IC volume controlling chips?

Maybe you could also tell me what MB modules are needed to make the PGA chip work.  So far I've gathered that you need the core and Aout modules.  I'm still not sure why the Aout module is necessary.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Here I am!!!

Sorry, last months I didn't have a lot of time for midibox project...

For the pga :

You need a core module only to make it works. For controlling the pga, some switch, and encoder and a LCD is fine (even without LCD, used only for displaying the gain in dB).

So a core  + DIN is fine.

Then I cannot tell if they are as good as a real fader (for noise etc). But the few experiment I made were quite impressive : I couldn't hear any noise comming from the chip.

They are very easy to use, and they can make a plus on a midibox, to turn it into a digital mixer (without eq and such things).

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Hey Pilo...good to hear from ya.  This chip sounds very promising especially to people like myself who are using outboard gear and summing audio out of the box (mixerless).  My idea is to buy a Tascam 2400 controller (because the price is unbeatable for 25 channels) and use it to automate volume on ghost tracks in Sonar (Cakewalk).  The ghost track volume level info will be sent to the Core Module + PGA 4311 via Midi and used to control the balanced +4 signal lines after my outboard comps and eqs and before entering my summing box (Folcrom).  So this will give me a hybrid setup, where I can have control over both analog and digital levels with automation and totall recall.

Because I'm a totally noob, this is definitely easier for me to say then actually do.  So if you or any other experienced folks on the site could continue to share your results regarding this chip and intergration with the core, I'd appreciate it very much.


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