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TR-808 Clone PCB!


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Aha!  Time time draws near, I've got a set of beta PCB's arriving tommorow which I will do my best to stuff and solder this weekend.  Barring unforseen problems with the layout I am on schedule to do a run of PCB's in mid-late August.  I will be providing with the PCB nearly all the difficult to find components, including alot of the original sillicon. 

There is also a fellow who has been working hard to create a REALLY REALLY nice case for the clone, details to come. 

If your interested in building your own 808 send me an email at smeffasystems@gmail.com to get on the list.

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The original circuits have been included, and I've also added in most of the modifications that hallucinogen did for his clone. 

The sounds will be triggered from a stripped down MBSEQ, which is included in the PCB, some extra code still needs to be written to allow the sounds to be triggered via midi.

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The original circuits have been included, and I've also added in most of the modifications that hallucinogen did for his clone. 

The sounds will be triggered from a stripped down MBSEQ, which is included in the PCB, some extra code still needs to be written to allow the sounds to be triggered via midi.

Ah, nifty. So you've got permission from TK to include MIOS in something you are selling? Congrats.

Got any more info about the board layout, dimensions, anything like that? I'm interested, but I want more details first...


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Way back when..  I was going to try to make the whole 808 VC'd.. but damn that is one serious task, better to start small I figured.

The board dimensions are 11x16".  Huge really  ;D

Ah, nifty. So you've got permission from TK to include MIOS in something you are selling? Congrats.

Y'Know, that just reminded me that I have to get some more approval pertaining to the SEQ section before I do a run..

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  • 2 weeks later...


i m also trying to make a clone of the 808

i want to build eatch sound separatly on a pcb like Hallu.

and build a sequencer. i gona use a R8c/13 µC From Rensas

actualy i ve done only the basscick pcb and the switch board

and i m working on the serial shiftregister, first time that i do a such complex


i also simulate all sound modul with ElectronicWorkbench That is work pretty well for That

maby it would Be great to cooperate.

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you re probably right!

i ll do like this finally

But i wanted to understand how work the famous TwinT Filter

and see it in work by my eyes  ::)

i just hope that there is no error in his pcb

because without the schems it s not easy to understand


but i think now , i would be able to do it with all the lecons of electronic that ive folow.

i ll finish this , and find a other think, maby for my end of study work.

...i ll send this 808x clone's picture here later

see you soon  :) ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trigger voltages are 5v.  The 808 itself uses a 5-15v pulse for the accent signal.  I don't have anything to test with, but it is my assumption that you can just tap the 5v pulse for trigger.  I've got a header on the board for doing this, and there is a simple buffer there to drive a LED which I'm pretty sure can do double duty. 

Check out the WIKI page, I've got a description of how it all works there.. just text tho so it may be rough to read.. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

You dont have to sell the SEQ app just make it Avail as open source here on ucapps! There is a analog drum module DS7 or DS8 available here http://m.bareille.free.fr/ds7clone/ds7.htm. It runs on 5v and would be a nice alternative for a simple MIDIBOX drummachine. I think it sounds rather cool to. Just imagine a few of those and a TR style sequenser.

Got news on that 808 case?

My next MIDIBOX is going to a drummachine if I´m not getting a jomox 09!

Price info please, on the 808 kit i was planing to get the 9090 kit it would be easy to trigger it from an MBSEQ. But that solution would be rather expensive.

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Between work and school work has slowed down on the 808 quite a bit.  I did get a few hours of work done yesterday tho.  Depending on how late class goes tonight I think I can finally get some .mp3 samples out so people can hear what it sounds like.

The case is coming along, Mr. Lowell has done a very good job in emulating the original look and feel of the 808 ;D

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