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Need a simple Midi device!


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Let me describe. We need a harware source of midi clock signal with 5 midi outputs. Here is the picture. So you see that this device isn't too difficult. Simple it should give a midi clock signal to 5 outputs. Start/Stop button.. Indicator.. And a knob to regulate tempo of the clock. So we hope that you or somebody can help us. Maybe someone can build this and we buy it...

Midi Clock_thumb.JPG

Midi Clock.JPG

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for the multiple duplicate midi out, why not modify the LTC module.

my idea was to take out ic1 and ic2, and then repeat the ic3 section as much as required (should also take out any unneeded midi thru aswell).  there would be a limit on how far this can be done, but i don't have the expertise to say how far.  but for 4 additional midi out (plus the 1 on the core), i wouldn't think there is a problem.

and for such a simple circuit, it can easily be done on a stripboard.

alternatively to provide 5 midiout, you could use 4 IIC Midi Modules plus the midi out on your core. it is a little more complex, but it would give the ability to independently adapt each midi out signal or just send the same midi out to each IIC module.


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The clockbox got a new "multi MIDI Out option" based on an idea of Braintu.

It allows to enable/disable the MIDI clocks of up to 8 MIDI clock slaves (sequencers, drum machines, synths) seperately and in a synchronized manner (clock will be enabled/disabled exactly on the next beat)

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