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Problem with Serge Loader


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Dear Thorsten!

5 months ago I started to build the MIDIBOX64.

My problem is the following:

-The first fase of loading the bootloader by MBHP was succesfull but unfortunately I hadsome problem in trasfering of the Mios and of the program (Midibox64generic) via the MIDI trough the Serge Loader.

When I try to send it the voice "BYTE RECEIVED" did not move.

Which could be the problem?

-Should be the Mios addressed into the "program memory"?

-Should be the program addressed into the "midibox64bank"?

-Should I modify the "device Id" or the "bank"?

Waiting your soonest help!

Best Regards


PS:Excuse me for my english :P

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Hello Luca.

Welcome to the Forums.

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by:

When I try to send it the voice "BYTE RECEIVED" did not move.


To answer some of your questions:

- When you upload files via Serges SysEx Loader, you have to send .syx files. You cannot send .hex files

- When you convert MIOS to syx with the hex2syx.pl script, you have to force -os-upload. If this troubles you, just use MIOSStudio. You can upload the .hex file without need for converting it

- IMHO the MB64 Application should need no change. A .syx-file should be in the zip-package. Just upload this one as long as you don't have no customized settings.

- As long as you don't have multiple Cores linked together, the device ID should not matter (don't know how it is for serge's syx-loader).

Maybe you should try uploading the .hex-files with MIOSStudio and see if that solves your problems.

Best regards,


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Hi Michael!

Thank you for your very very fast reply and excuse me if I reply only now but after your message my problems started.

I tried all the test,step by step,from "Midi Troubleshooting"and they was succesfully but I have also a problem to upload Mios V1.9.

Serge Loader sends these messages:

-After power on:Received SysEx block from device 00 with 8 bytes in Mios format -cmd 01 (not saved)

-During upload Mios:Received Error code 0B 01

Midi-Ox sends these messages:

-After power on:Upload request every 2 seconds

-During upload Mios:F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0C 63F7 or

                          F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 0B 01F7

Mios Studio (I could install it only yesterday,due some problems with Java download)sends these messages:

-After power on:Upload request every 2 seconds

-During upload Mios:Received Error code 0C Midi in Frame Error

                          Received SysEx message of less than 8 Bytes

                          Received 'continued' SysEx message

                          Error:Received unexpected Upload request

                          Received error code 0B:Midi in Overrun Error

I don't know,I passed all the days after you reply on the midibox and the forum.

Somebody  talks about a problem of power consumption (what can I do to check?).

Somebody talks about Midi devices,I use a Steinberg Usb-Midi 2x2 but the loopback test was ok.

In place of the optocoupler 6N138 (sigle channel)I mounted an HCPL2730 (double channel)because where I buy all the components don't have 6N138.I modified the circuitry and the opto test was ok.Is it possible that this is the problem?

I connect all the modules (I don't use Lcd).Should I connect after or before Mios Upload?

In this moment I want to cry,every day I see the my Midibox64 without life and is a shoot to my hearth. :'(

Excuseme  once more if I do't reply immediately but I don't want to send anymore stupid message like the "byte received not move",I read it again and I understand that it concern the downloading and not the uploading.It's my fyrst midibox64 and I don't have more practice. :-\ 

Hoping you or anybody else can help me,I remain.

Thanks Michael



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Hi Luca,

first of all, it is no problem that you don't answer at once, on contrary: it is better to try, test and think about and then return with your results. So you're behaving fine :)

I have no in-depth knowledge about all the sysEx error code messages, so here is one more suggestion:

-> if you started your project 5 months ago, it is most likely you have the old bootloader v1.1 or v1.1b. MIOS v1.9 needs the bootloader v.1.2.

so: what hex-file are you trying to upload? it should fit to your PIC ->

Note that in most situations' date=' only **one** .hex file needs to be

uploaded via MIDI. Please read this README carefully in order to

select the right binary.[/quote']

The normal steps are:

- Uploading the right MIOS (see readme)

- Uploading the MB64 application

The recommended tool for this is MIOSStudio, so I'd suggest you stick with that.

If that fails again, could you please post, what MIOS-Version you are trying to upload and maybe the full return message from MIOSStudio?

best regards,


ps: please note, that the forum main page sais that support request can get lost in other threads than "Testing/Troubleshooting".

That may be the reason why there are so less responses to your issue :-\

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Michael!

Finally,after  two months I'm here.

I'm sorry but in these months I was abroad for job and I'll be back last week.

I started again the checks on the MIDIBOX and......surprise,I don't know why but I succesfully download the Mios and then the application.

I don't know,It's probably that before I did the same mistakes but when I was back,maybe my mind was free,I did it whitout error and now Midibox work!

Thank's for your help and your right direction,whitout them I should have been lost.


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