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MIOS Studio upload problem


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Hey there

I'm pretty new in the MIDIbox stuff, well, started yesterday.

I've purchased a core module with bootloader in it.

Now I want to upload the MIOS to the PIC, but here things go wrong.

When I start MIOSstudio, i make my MIDI routing the way it's described on this site.

I turn on my core-board, and see on my MIDI-interface a periodical MIDI-IN pulse. This should be the "request to send" message.

When I open the MIDI-IN monitor in MIOSstudio, I don't see any messages coming in.

Hmmzz...Anybody an idea what this could be?

So..I thought, well, maybe a little bug, whatever, it's just a monitor; let's try and upload the MIOS-hex file.

When I choose the hex file and press the start-button, I get this error message:

>>Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!<<

For this I tried the "mios_v1_9c_pic18f452.hex" and I tried to create my own hex by compiling the sourcecode of MIOS. Both same result.

Does anybody know what this is?

I'm 100% sure the core is spitting out the request-message, as I see my MIDI-interface blink every 2 seconds and on my scope I see a serial stream every 2 secs. Nice and clean.

For me this looks like "PIC is allright".

I'm using a MIDIsport 1x1 which worked fine on the last project I did two weeks ago.

Hmm..I hope somebody can help my out!

thanx in advance.


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Bizar..I quit MIOSstudio and restarted it.

All routing settings were gone, so made them again.

Still..no result.

It took 5-10 seconds and..YES! I see MIDI IN messages (the sysex).

Then uploaded the hex file.

Again it gave the same error (MIOS range), but error vanished after 2 seconds and uploading started..

Really weird how this went, but it seems like MIOS is in my PIC (as the 2sec blink is gone now).

I go on..keep you guys posted..

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Hi ReneW

Are you sure you have routed the ports correctly, you should definately be able to see messages in the MIDI IN window. Can you post a screen shot of the routing window?

>>Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!<<

For this I tried the "mios_v1_9c_pic18f452.hex" and I tried to create my own hex by compiling the sourcecode of MIOS. Both same result.

Does anybody know what this is?

This is perfectly normal, it is a feature that Thorsten introduced. As described elsewhere, the Operating System code should be uploaded within two seconds of turning the MidiBox on. If MIOS Studio detects that Operating System code is being uploaded, it forces the MidiBox to reboot itself to ensure that the code will be uploaded withing two seconds of the power cycle.

- Adam

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for long time wait..have been too busy..

Anyway, the MIOS has been loaded into the core. At least I think that's done..the core doens't ping anymore every 2 secs.

So..next step..load in the application.

I choose to take the MIDIO128 to fiddle around with.

I haven't modified the source for this app, but uploaded it straight as it is.

For this i did the steps as described on this site.

I created a sysexdump with perl and then uploaded it with Serges SysexBox.

When I did that, the monitor showed me that the code was being uploaded.

Me happy!

But then..i started controlling the box with PD. Sending out note-events towards the core. No response at all..

I'm sending out over MIDI channel 0, using MIDI notes 0x30-0x3F.

As far as I see in the documentation, this should affect outputs 1-16 on my DOUT module.

Hmm..I don't know where to search for the error..can anybody tell me what are the smartest steps in debugging this?

Cheers..and i hope this issue is allowed to be discussed in this thread (as this subforum is about MIOS and MIOS studio :) )



I also tried sending over MIDI-channel 1 (as the 1-16 and 0-15 always confuse me..) but no result either.

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