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Which PIC module/controller to purchase, to design a Gate sequencer with?


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Hey all.  I'm going to be purchaing a MIDIbox SEQ kit in the near future, for building.  But - with experience in programming in the Basic language, I would like to purchase a PIC / Basic Stamp, to design and build my own simple Gate Sequencer around - at the same time, learning how to work with these devices.

Could anyone out there recommend a unit that I could purchase online, that would allow me to use, for designing / building a Gate Sequencer around?

Here's what I'm looking to build:

- a Gate Sequencer, that would have between 4 and 16 steps of +5VDC Trigger or Gate output

- programmable by up to 16 switches (1 for each step - Gate/Trigger On or Off)

- playback of that 4 to 16 step sequence - looping, or 1 time only

- Internal or External Clock Sync

- an LED for each step

- software to be programmable in Basic (preferred) or Assembler (which I would teach myself)

- software for the device to be simulatable within the PC, before it's sent to (burned into?) the device

I have enough knowledge to design / build circuitry for the interface FROM the controller.  No troubles there.  I would much rather design and build a Gate sequencer around a microcontroller, than with discrete circuitry as I have in the past.

I haven't a single CLUE though, as to which controller would be appropriate from Microchip. :(  Could anyone recommend a proper unit, that I could go with?

If you have any other questions, please ask away - if I haven't been clear enough in what I'm trying to do.  :o :)

Thanks for any possible help. :)

Take care,

Warmth and Peace,


http://www.sdiy.org/damian - my modular synthesizer's homepage

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Hey Dolphinicus,

I'm not into Gate Sequencers (so I may be missing something elementary here!) but as long as the gate is just a +5V signal with no (or not much) current drawing, I think you could handle this with DOUT modules?

In this case, you could build a CORE-Module with a PIC 18F452 (the default one for MIOS), upload MIOS, choose additional I/O modules and start programming your own MIOS-application :)



Edit: I would recommend programming in C, which should be a lot easier than learning ASM... and the available application skeletons are very good! I wrote kind of a simulator/debugger for C-based projects (ACSim), not very elegant, but useful... take a look at the Wiki -> Application Development ;)

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Ooo!  Thanks muchlee for the suggestion, Audio! :)  I DID learn the basics in C++ and was able to crawl around in the code for a little while, understanding where I was going.  I'll wander over to the Wiki section that you've mentioned, and if all fits - I'll go that route.  (Could fit together better, as I'm going to be ordering a system for CV sequencing anyways - greater chances of their working with each other. :) )

Thanks much. :)

Edit:  Just looking at the modules / etc. listings, at SmashTV's site - (being a complete beginner with this system), do I need to order anything other than, the core kit and DOut kit?  I'm placing an order right now (today - before work). :)

Or - will the two, allow me to go from the beginning?  (I.E. Do I need to order any pots; other modules; MIDI module; etc. to use the unit specifically as a Gate sequencer?)



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do I need to order anything other than, the core kit and DOut kit?  I'm placing an order right now

well, I'd recommend a DIN module, although you can work with MIDI-Messages for Input-Control / DOUT-operations; an LCD is very useful to know what's going on (if you stuff it with an plug, you can re-use it later on). MIDI I/O (one in/ one out) is part of the Core, as are eight AIN-inputs, so no AINx4 needed if 8 pots are sufficient.

best regards,


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Right-o and thank you muchlee again!  I'm just putting the order through now for:

1 x CORE Kit

1 x DOut module Kit

1 x DIn module kit

1 x 20x2LCD

2 x 24LC256

8 x Encoders

That should get me started. :)  If I'm needing more things later, I'll get to ordering them as well. :)

I can't WAIT! :D

Thanks again. :)

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