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blowing fuses.

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Hi, yesterday 3 fuses in the c64 PSU died :'(

I think the problem is somehow related to the dinx4 module, which i was trying to install at that moment. Im not exactly sure this is what happened, but: i tried pushing buttons, but it didnt seem to have any effect. i would turn the psu on and off quite often, because i didnt want to solder when the power was on.

Suddenly the sound was very low, and the fuse was blown.

Maybe it was because i turned the psu on/off to much, maybe there is something wrong with my dinx4.

Anyway, i have some questions:

1. check out the picture of the caps. Are they really placed right?

2. do i make the button connection right.

3. on a dinx4, where is the link button placed?

(sorry i allready asked this question, in a much more confused thread)

All i have been able to find is this dinx2 picture, so i just figured the link button would be placed the same place as on the dinx2. But since there was no connection, perhaps im wrong.

4. About the blown fuses. could this be caused by the dinx4, or should i look for other problems.

5. is the fuses in the c64 psu split up, so that the one to the right is 9V AC, or are they just connected in series. It is always the right fuse that dies.






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Ok. I thought when i used the "beep" function on my multimeter, those to ends would make for a button.

hey Carsten,

you asked how to connect these buttons and I meant, if you press the button it should beep, if you release it, it shouldn't beep (ON/OFF);

Again, it is sufficient to connect just two legs of the button.

but anyhow, no fuse should be blown when a DIN button is closed; therefor your have the resistors on your DIN-board (and you have them, haven't you?).

I don't know if the Caps are placed right, they look a bit wide spaced? I have no DIN board here that's not hidden inside a box, and (to be honest) I'm not in the mood to look it up for you; so please just check against the PDF-drawings you can find on the DIN-pages on uCapps. You can easily find out where they belong, they're in the plans. And most times they go straight from + to GND.

Not sure about this, but:

Your cap is looking very large, is it the right type? Normally they should be small and yellow and show a "104" (100N). If you got the wrong caps, maybe there's a short between + and - ?

that would explain a blowing fuse!

Anyway, I think it does not harm to check again all plans; I think most of your questions can be found out if you print the plans and check against your wirings.

Hope that helps a bit,  ;)

best regards,


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Ok. it appears to be working now.

The reason i was asking about the caps under the dinx4, was that mine looked different from TKs image at the din page. (not the caps, but the setup), but they are connected from 16 - to very close to 8 on the sockets of the 74HC165.

I have turned the buttons around, and it seems to work. No fuses blown today yet. still havent managed to find the LINK button.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think though, that if you short across each button, the resulting current draw may be too much for the fuse. or i may be wrong i don't know.  ???

Pressing all DIN buttons drawing millions of amperes causing the end of the world?!

Math time!

V = IR

5 = I10000

I = (5/10000)

I = 5mA per button... * 128

5*128 = 640

640 for din, + 500 for core and LCD

That's over an amp... if you short every DIN thing... Without resistors, it's be hell.

My math is also probably wrong, I just wanted to find out... it could be .5 mA

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