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In-Circuit-Debugging with ICD2 at Core Module


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has anybody experiences in in-circuit-debugging a core module with ICD2?

Background: I build an own AOUT module with MCP4922 DACs, now I have to debug the hard- and software by setting breakpoints and single-stepping.

I build a cable to connect the ICD2 to J2 at the core, in-circuit-programming works still fine.

I could start the application, but not debugging it.

I recognized, that the "debug flag" of the PIC has to be enabled. After doing this, the application would not start.

Can anybody help me?


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TK has commented on this in the past but I never can find the post ::)

IIRC the ICD won't work and main trick he uses is to send debugging info out via midi and/or by driving a pin and monitoring it on a scope... Kinda like breakpoints but, not :)

It helps that TK is superhuman and writes perfectly functional code that works with no debugging, off the top of his head ;)

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