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Cool buttons with RGB LEDS!


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  • 2 months later...

Well, it's been a while. I have a baby now, and it is hard to find time for hobbies, but I still am trying to finish my project (the enabler). I also came across these buttons today, because of an Engadget link where they were used in a Tetris game. My whole project is on hold because of a lack of the right buttons.

Anyway, I wrote with a suggestion, and got a friendly, non-canned response:


Hey Don,

We couldn't find them either, that's why we had them made ;) Happy we could help!

Nice idea with the round buttons - that would be easier to make face plates for. If we can get the normal 4x4 pad sold, we'll look into having a new tool made.

Best regards,



> If you only knew how long I have been trying to find this:



> http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=7835#



> I have a 2-year old project that is simply waiting for the right

> buttons, and for whatever reason NO ONE else in the world makes

> buttons like these for non-custom, hobbyist purposes.



> I have one suggestion: could you make a round version, so that people

> can make faceplate-style, back-mounted  designs that can be drilled by

> a regular drill?




PS...What buttons did TK use for the monome-inspired design from the video on the SEQ page?

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

for a 16x4 matrix:

4 button pad 4x4 @ 9.95 ea

16 top bezels @ 3.56 ea

16 bottom bezels @ 3.56 ea

4 breakout pcb @ 9.95 ea

... for a tidy sum of:


not including LEDs and the bajillion screws you need to fasten the bezels down.

I'm really glad somebody other than monome.org is selling this, but I'd like to see lower prices somehow ... maybe they could offer board/pad/bezel kits for a discount?  Oh, and maybe sell a proper 4x4 bezel? 

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Hay have found a cheap-er way of doing this, but it could look a bit messy if not done right...

I found an old kids game in a charity shop for £1 this weekend. It's called lights-out and has monome style buttons. There's loads of them on ebay too.


Some versions look better for salvage than others... http://www.geocities.com/jaapsch/puzzles/lights.htm.

They only have red LEDS, but maybe the board could be modified to take multi-colour. I'll strip it down at some point and take some photos.

The only problem is that it's quitea good puzzle so I'll be sorry to gut it.

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Very nice, Gobz!  I like the look of that, a lot. 

But I'm already experimenting with molding my own silicone button panel anyway.  So far I have had good results.  I'll be starting a new thread once I find time to copy the pics from my wife's Macbook.

The only problem is that it's quite a good puzzle so I'll be sorry to gut it.

... until you port it to MIOS  8)

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Haha! I actually considered writing a pong or tetris game for the sid mod matrix :D

LOL, that was something I've been thinking for a while, butlack the skill. The MB-6582 would begood for some simple games with the matrix, LCD andllthose encoders. Maybe get 2 of them playing against each other via midi for a laugh.

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