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Put Waveblaster daughter board (Yamaha DB50XG) in a box?


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I found another one from Trond Olsen played on a MU10.

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GTal2jczpg&hl=de&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GTal2jczpg&hl=de&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GTal2jczpg&hl=de&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

Best Regards


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What is the 128kb Storage used for? I read through the articles a few times, but i couldn't find much info about it.

The storage isn't being used yet. When I wrote the original article, I left hooks in the design so I could add storage and implemented it when I designed the PCB, but there's no code support for it yet.

My plan is to support storing patches in the memory so I can switch between them when not connected to a computer. Depending on how that goes, I might also look at storing a MIDI file in there that can be played back (as a demo, for instance), but that's very speculative at the moment... the patch support is the main new function I want to add.

Before that, however, I'm looking at whether migrating to the latest version of the Microchip USB stack makes sense. The current design uses v1.3 and v2.4 is the latest from Microchip. I'm not sure there are any pressing reasons to migrate, but I may do so just to get familiar with the new stack, which has changed significantly since v1.3.

Cheers, Steve.

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The storage isn't being used yet. When I wrote the original article, I left hooks in the design so I could add storage and implemented it when I designed the PCB, but there's no code support for it yet.

My plan is to support storing patches in the memory so I can switch between them when not connected to a computer. Depending on how that goes, I might also look at storing a MIDI file in there that can be played back (as a demo, for instance), but that's very speculative at the moment... the patch support is the main new function I want to add.

Before that, however, I'm looking at whether migrating to the latest version of the Microchip USB stack makes sense. The current design uses v1.3 and v2.4 is the latest from Microchip. I'm not sure there are any pressing reasons to migrate, but I may do so just to get familiar with the new stack, which has changed significantly since v1.3.

Cheers, Steve.

Storing patches would be a very nice feature indeed. Looking forward to start building this. But first i have to finish up my MB FM.

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  • 4 weeks later...


It's been a long time since i've been here. Just at the right moment I guess :)

If anybody want the Eagle and PDF files I have on the pcb design for my own DB50XG standalone design just pm me. I'll check more regularly here from now.

I had almost finished the pcb, but as always I had a lack of time to finish it. I needed far more time to implement all the stuff I wanted in MIOS and for the interface layout than I expected at the time. I just didn't have the time to dive into assembler to write the MIOS code. Also, once in a while TK added some very useful functionalities to MIOS which sometimes meant changing the hardware again, which also stalled things a bit because I'm the sort of person that wants to get the best out of it. Instead of deciding to finish the design, I kept on altering it forever. And with that never finishing it.... :)

My final idea for it was to just make a simple midi/audio interface to plug the DB50XG into, no standalone box with LCD/Knobs/Buttons. This would be put into a 19" rack box. As I was starting to do things more 'in the box' I wanted to design a VST interface for it (using for intance Synthmaker) to control most of the parameters (sysex was not possible with that VST version at the time, only CC's etc) from within Ableton Live (or any other DAW). But I never finished it, because I was really simplifying my music setup and got to the point where I was completely doing things in the box. Well, here's my final attempt to make something out of it! This time I only need to make midi/audio interface, because soon Max for Live will be released, which allows me to make that 'vst' interface inside Live. So I'll look into my old design which will need some modification, because it's based on a older pic and midibox/MBHP projects.

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  • 11 months later...

Hi, I have made an adapter board to use Nec XR385 (db60xg clone) as standalone and agter some attempts I could ear good sound from this daughter board.

Reading on the web and looking at card i've seen that there is an A/D converter on it (AK4510) and pin 12 - 16 are used by circuit.

I've tried to connect directly an audio input to these pin and to enable A/D chip by sysex command F0 43 10 49 01 00 00 01 F7 (enable) and F0 43 10 4C 10 01 0B 64 F7 (volume up) but don't works.

After I've found a scheme of an old commercial adapter that use an op-amp (icl7621) like scheme in enclose pdf, it's right?

Is there anyone that have connected - and eared a Line/Mic input from that card?

Thanks at all, Mike.


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Hi, I have made an adapter board to use Nec XR385 (db60xg clone) as standalone and agter some attempts I could ear good sound from this daughter board.

Reading on the web and looking at card i've seen that there is an A/D converter on it (AK4510) and pin 12 - 16 are used by circuit.

I've tried to connect directly an audio input to these pin and to enable A/D chip by sysex command F0 43 10 49 01 00 00 01 F7 (enable) and F0 43 10 4C 10 01 0B 64 F7 (volume up) but don't works.

After I've found a scheme of an old commercial adapter that use an op-amp (icl7621) like scheme in enclose pdf, it's right?

Is there anyone that have connected - and eared a Line/Mic input from that card?

Thanks at all, Mike.

I have only come across the same info as you found. I assume you have been reading this topic

But according to the datasheet of the used codec, a opamp isn't required.

The line in schematic looks like:

       0.47u  470

Input >--||---^^^----|----*codec


                2.2n =



Edited by Shuriken
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Yes, one of the pages i've read on the web it's this (and not only-but don't remember what).

I'll try with scheme you suggest.

But ..... do you have a xr385 ? Do you ear something from that input? The istruction (sysex) i've mentioned are correct?

Thanks, Mike.

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I do have a XR385 NEC board. But at the moment it is housed in a Korg NS5R. So no inputs available only output.

As a coincidence i was looking into this topic again. I pm-ed Nomical to see what solution he came up with. But haven't heard from him yet.

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I have a WAVE BLASTER CT1900 with E_mu engine doughterboard.

Can be the same or the application is only for DB50?



At my knowledge all daughter board like wave blaster have the same connection

In past I had a Creative WaveBlasterI and after a Roland SoundCanvas; now I play with a Nec Xr385

(sound of waveblaster were worst of other)






The difference are the struments and effects.


post-7858-071854600 1279258766_thumb.jpg

post-7858-084820700 1279258824_thumb.jpg

post-7858-080631900 1279258869_thumb.jpg

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I am already sure for the pinning of the connector but not for the compatibility of the

application with this board.

You have cleared me.

So the creative is the worst of the DBoard :hmm: anyway it is a pity put her in waste

as I own and works well. :thumbsup:

Is there a minimum of schematic for connecting to a core?

I am searching on the forum in this discussion but i found only code file of app.

Effectively it is a MB64 whith midi out connected to midi in of daughter

but if exist a little schematic will be better.

Thanks for any information

best regards


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I am already sure for the pinning of the connector but not for the compatibility of the

application with this board.

You have cleared me.

So the creative is the worst of the DBoard :hmm: anyway it is a pity put her in waste

as I own and works well. :thumbsup:

Is there a minimum of schematic for connecting to a core?

I am searching on the forum in this discussion but i found only code file of app.

Effectively it is a MB64 whith midi out connected to midi in of daughter

but if exist a little schematic will be better.

Thanks for any information

best regards


That's correct. raoulblues only posted some pictures and a firmware file. A schematic...or atleast a brief description of the used MB modules would be appriciated.

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I am already sure for the pinning of the connector but not for the compatibility of the

application with this board.

You have cleared me.

So the creative is the worst of the DBoard :hmm: anyway it is a pity put her in waste

as I own and works well. :thumbsup:

Is there a minimum of schematic for connecting to a core?

I am searching on the forum in this discussion but i found only code file of app.

Effectively it is a MB64 whith midi out connected to midi in of daughter

but if exist a little schematic will be better.

Thanks for any information

best regards


That's my scheme. It's without usb connection because i use a usb-midi (2.0) cable avcailable on web for 10€

The pins 12 and 16 are used only for 60xg that have line input, so you don't connect (for that I've done a little aggiuntive board connect to SV5 for supply and to SV4 for Input line)

SV3 is a connector to a potentiometer for volume control

At last increase R8 and R9 at 10K to have minor ampli if you want. (for me it's good like scheme but depends from daughter board, with Roland board was too low volume)

I hope is useful for you, good work



Edited by mike
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That's my scheme. It's without usb connection because i use a usb-midi (2.0) cable avcailable on web for 10€

The pins 12 and 16 are used only for 60xg that have line input, so you don't connect (for that I've done a little aggiuntive board connect to SV5 for supply and to SV4 for Input line)

SV3 is a connector to a potentiometer for volume control

At last increase R8 and R9 at 10K to have minor ampli if you want. (for me it's good like scheme but depends from daughter board, with Roland board was too low volume)

I hope is useful for you, good work


Does your line-in work as expected?

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Does your line-in work as expected?

At this time no, but in these days there it's over 33°C and I don't wish solder so much ...

... meanwhile I've read a lot of Sysex command for enable a/d, and i've made tests for see if instruments are like good (and i like it)

It's born a question: I change correctly instruments by midi-ox thru "instruments panel" that give the command


0001852F MOX 7 B0 00 00 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

0001852F MOX 7 B0 20 00 1 --- CC: Bank LSB

0001852F MOX 7 C0 38 -- 1 --- PC: 57 Trumpet

.... but not thru XG-Wizard (or XG-Edit) that for the same instrument (trumpet) give the command


0004F953 1 7 F0 Buffer: 9 Bytes System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 43 10 4C 08 00 07 00 F7

0004F955 1 7 F0 Buffer: 9 Bytes System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 43 10 4C 08 00 01 00 F7

0004F957 1 7 F0 Buffer: 9 Bytes System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 43 10 4C 08 00 02 00 F7

0004F959 1 7 F0 Buffer: 9 Bytes System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 43 10 4C 08 00 03 38 F7

Now i'm a little confused in fact if sysex don't work how i can do command for a/d?

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  • 2 weeks later...

. This is a translation

I did not practice English

mounting my editor for 50 db is simple

1 core PIC18F4685

16 encoders with push

16 LED

A 4x40 display

2 banksticks 2x8 unprotect remember the 600 basic sounds plus sounds QS300

(These are loaded with bankstiks xg gold)

and of course a db 50externe


Units: The DB50 has 16 units: 1 unit = 1 instrument

The channel contains 32 QS300 DB50: 1 way = 1 instrument

At reset: 1 part per midi channel

Part 1 = MIDI Channel 1

Part 2 = MIDI Channel 2 ETC ...

We can thus affect several part on a MIDI channel for several instruments bunk.

You can also assign a path to a QS300 CHANNEL (MIDI menu button 4)

Color code 1 = push, 1 = encoder ENCODER associated Fabrice = what is read on the LCD


It is accessed by the buttons (if the order is respected)

1 Normal Route


Multipart on MIDI channel 3

4 MENU General QS 300

5 Menu QS300 Amplitude Parameters

6 Menu Settings QS300 PITCH

QS300 7 Menu Settings LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)

8 Menu QS300 Filter Settings

Units 9 Settings

10 Assign one of 32 channels to a midi channel QS300

Menu 11 Battery



14 sends a reset GM ON and XG.

Sends 15 to 32 channels QS300 DB50 from the path being edited in the bankstick underway.

Sends 16 to DB50 QS300 way from the path being edited in bankstick underway.

Premiere Online

ENCODER 1 Fabrice THE name instument

ENCODER 2 AND 3 EL. 0 / 1 Number of active element (under edition)

WAV ENCODER 4 AND 5 1 / 52 the number of waveform or instrument used by the element

ENCODER 6 VOL 127 volume instument

M 0 The number of the instument in Bankstick

Second line

ENCODER 7 Voice 1 The Way 1-32 or the instrument will be placed

ENCODER 8 Channel 1 MIDI channel is allocated to the track

ENCODER 9 Bank 1 Bankstick current number (1-5)

Third line

Press the Help button to load the instrument 16 in the QS300 DB50 in the track and the selected channel



ENCODER FILTER RES 127 1 resonant filter

ENCODER 2 80 Cut filter cutoff frequency

ENCODER 3 0 LFO LFO Amplitude Modulation Filter

ENCODER 4 Curv line type of modulation curve

ENCODER 5 TO 8 Spleen 63: 23: 17: 0


ENCODER A 10 13BP 24: 48: 72: 96 4 break points in the filter

ENCODER 14A LEV 16 64: 89: 79: 64 the four levels of filter


ENCODER 1 PITCH DEPTH 2 pitch depth

ENCODER 2 5 SCAL Scale pitch 0 to 5 (0 = 100%, 5 = 0%)

ENCODER 3 0 LFO LFO Amplitude Modulation


ENCODER 5 TO 8 Spleen 63: 63: 63: 63


ENCODER 60 10 NOTE CENTER CENTER PEG SPLEEN SCALING NOTE, the central note of the pitch

ENCODER 11A LEV 14 64: 89: 79: 64 4 threshold levels of the PITCH



3 LFO settings screen (button 7)







ENCODER 7 PHASE INIT ON? 3 LFO settings screen (button 7)

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's my scheme. It's without usb connection because i use a usb-midi (2.0) cable avcailable on web for 10€

The pins 12 and 16 are used only for 60xg that have line input, so you don't connect (for that I've done a little aggiuntive board connect to SV5 for supply and to SV4 for Input line)

SV3 is a connector to a potentiometer for volume control

At last increase R8 and R9 at 10K to have minor ampli if you want. (for me it's good like scheme but depends from daughter board, with Roland board was too low volume)

I hope is useful for you, good work


Hello, Mike! a small question regarding your schema: what is the purpose of R5 and C17?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, Mike! a small question regarding your schema: what is the purpose of R5 and C17?

Sorry, i was on holiday until today ..... hope you have resolved

C17 it's a capacitor mounted very near to every supply of active components to avoid change of voltage.

R17 is used to have quick response to signal (that is ZERO volt).

... I've made a little modification/text explanation to my scheme in last post (renamed "Wave_SA_Schema") but core it's the same.

However, for midi input, the same result you can have with other components/scheme

See samples attached

Sorry for my english, i'm italian. And sorry for my explanation, i'm beginner too.





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