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Recommended Pic Burner


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Glad to see you got that working. :)

I'm running a full sized 317 on mine and the smaller (correct) size on the 7805, but my voltages were OK.


PS- I'm in the same boat as you on the software. I'd be interested to see what options it has on that.

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So you've actually built your Burner? That's great! I just hope I can get this thing going so I can move into step 2 of setting this whole system up. I'm also trying to get Windows 98 so that I can try and get the USB module working as well, so after I burn the PIC, I can upload MIOS.

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Yeah, it's been "built" for quite a while. I ran into a few problems with it, the last of which I never resolved. I'm pretty sure it was very similar to what you just got, but I'd have to dig up the thread. Seems like maybe Jaicen had a "plus" board working here.

Good luck and let me know if you make any progress with it.


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Whoa, didn't know about jumpering R8


Jaicen -- "The free floating end of R8 just needs to be attached to the +5V rail to hold pin1 high"

Wait, that makes no sense, R8 is attached to pin 3! This board has mucho problems.

Also: My middle (yellow) LED is now working, it was backwards because it's backwards on the Eagle board layount.

<<EDIT 2>>

It looks like R8 just goes to the obvious place, there's a trace that doesn't quite make it to R8, in the non-super layout it goes all the way to R8, in the Super it doesn't. Also note that the LED is the correct way around in the non-super layout, and is wrong in the Super layout.

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No problem Thorsten.

Darn it! It still does not detect the burner though, but it appears to be able to control all my LEDs. Can you run it without it detecting the burner? Doesn't seem like it. I'd like to know what exactly it's checking in order to detect a burner anyhow.

Any guesses?

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So far I remember - but I could be wrong - the feedback path between Data In->Data Out is used to detect the burner. This means: if the voltage level of the data pin is changed between 0V and 5V, but "data out" (see schematic!) doesn't toggle, the burner won't be detected

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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After making the above changes the Programmer (reverse LED, ground pore (Jidis did it for me), and jumpering R8) was still not being seen. Than I decided the scrape all the traces that were near other traces and when I plugged it back it in worked. Not sure why though, unless there was some unseen short.

But anyhow it was seen and my PIC is now burning, but it's on the slowest setting and looks like it might take an hour or so.

Next I'm going to install Window 98 somewhere and try and get my USB module working.

Thanks Thorsten, I think this proves my ISP Atmel burner was have troubles for reasons other than my LPT port.

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The slowest setting is required for some PICs because a 100 nF cap is connected between Vss and Vdd

This cap is not part of the "Brenner5" schematic from sprut.de, on the other hand: without this cap it isn't possible to program newer PICs like the PIC18F4685 (-> MIDIbox SID V2)

I informed Sprut about this imperfection, he has confirmed the difference but he hasn't improved the software (nor Brenner5) yet...

So: by removing C7 you could achieve a better performance, but newer PICs cannot be programmed anymore.

And to make the confusion perfect: with "WinPIC" (requires special configuration file for MBHP_BURNER) I noticed better results, but there are new - different - issues... so that I would say: good that we only need to program the bootloader, the rest can be uploaded via MIDI :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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