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I'm getting ready to dive into my first MIDIBox project.  It's a relatively simple analog-in, midi-out scenario.

Though I've been doing software development forever (including plenty of C programming), I'm relatively new to Microcontrollers.  I definitely plan to roll up my sleeves and learn the C interface to MIOS.  However...

I've already purchased and experimented with the PICBASIC PRO environment for an earlier project.  Is there any possibility of integrating PICBASIC PRO code into my MIDIBox Application?  If so, how would this work?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

- Mark

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Gday mark, welcome aboard :)

I don't think you'll really be able to use the PICBASIC code in MIOS... To be honest I know almost nothing of it, but perhaps after you compile the program you could use some of the ASM code it generates?

If you're C savvy, I wouldn't bother with it, instead I'd just use the C Interface. It's pretty damn good IMO, you shouldn't have to roll those sleeves up too far ;)

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