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Scan Matrix with D9 buttons : hazardous behaviour

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hello all

I have designed a board for the scan matrix created by bill and thorsten but for D9 (or KSA) buttons, not for the c64 keyboard. It is based on the schematic of TK (one diode for one button).

I have checked the lines, electrical circuits are goods, connections are right. Application in the PIC is scan matrix v1 or v2 (same behaviour) and mios 1.9e.

BUT if I let the frontpanel in the normal position (mean buttons looking the sky) and if I shake the board , it produces random note on and note off, event X on not always followed by the event X off.

If I return the board (mean button looking the ground) this erratic behaviour disappears, and the device works perfectly well.

So I have though to a mechanical problem the buttons are the classical D9 (or D6), maybe to poor quality for a so fast scanning (no real spring inside, but a shitty system using a coin an folded edges).

So here are my questions :

1/ did someone tried such a panel ?

2/ I noticed there was not the possibility of using DebounceSet with the matrix. Am I right ?

I will try with better buttons in 2 days (KSA), and let a feedback. If this corrects the problem, the PCB will be published.








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Thats strange, your buttons are looking similar to my own (DT6 from reichelt), and I never noticed such problems.

I don't think that a debouncing function would help here. Debouncing is used to filter transients after an event has been sampled, but the initial event will always be forwarded to the application.

Let us know how the other buttons are working

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hello Thorsten

thanks for a so fast answer

apparently, you have done a such panel. Did you use veroboard ?

Is there a possibility of using capacitors closed to the buttons ?

I repeat : the realy strange thing is that this panel works perfectly well if I return it , I mean if I use it with the buttons faced to the ground. That's why I had though to a mechanical problem, especially that these buttons were in destock in a supply store.

I will check one more time the connection to DIN and DOUT tomorrow. But for me button quality is engaged ...

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problem solved !

buttons weres defective. exchange with KSA works (but I had to fold them, cause hasn't the same size than D9), pin compatible.

soon : the PCB, but I have to add info like col/row number for buttons and C0-R0 for connecting, and front/back side.

But have also a look at monome.org, they now free release the monome40h PCB !!! really easy to make, just double sided. Firmware published too.

Thanks for help.







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