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may anybody explain to this dumb ass how to connect to a IRC server ? i am using XIRC but i can use anything for example i also have pidgin, whatever, please! i can t live without the bug !

putting stryd's link in the url field works in firefox with chatzilla installed...

not much action there though...

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As far as i know, and my own whack experiences (120v, 240v, 9v; ranging 2-45 ampere) it is the ampere that would kill you. Certainly the 240v with 45 ampere into my arm from a dangling live wire while drilling into a wall smarted the most, but it wasnt the voltage, as i've stepped on live 120v lines with 10amps with barefeet and it did nothing in comparison to that other jolt.

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Im no expert, but isnt it the amount of current which will kill you and not the voltage?  ;)

I know current is dependent on voltage, but isnt amount of current is what you should be most careful about?

Yes, as far as I know. We were always told at schooll "It's the volts that jolt and the current that kills. High voltage still hurts though!


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What a great topic to come back to!

Deffinately the current that kills. Everyone has been hit by 1000 plus volts every time you get shocked by that Office Space doorknob... but microampers (if not smaller).

if you ever get tired of licking 9 volt batteries, try a phone cord..  thats a stinger.

My all time favorite story thus far involves that electronic shocking game. I was challenged by the owner of one to a game. He claimed quick reflexes. Im certain mine are slow. After several games of two handed playing, he was complaining that "theres something wrong! I know Im winning, but youre not getting shocked!"

"Well, I dont feel anything.. here, lets switch handles and play again..."

buzz..  buzz..    "Fuck, yeah your paddles worked...  OK, DONT try to win, and tell me if you get shocked.."

"sure.  ok.."

Buzzz    "urr...  nothin..."


After several rounds of this, (and me laughing my ass off the whole time) I finally reveiled to him that I was being shocked the whole time..and in fact intentionally loosing just to piss him off.  Ive been shocked so many interesting ways that I can 'ignore' piddly games.

Ohhh, damn.. and another good one.. similar style..

We were doing the classic neon lamp light by ... wait for it..  capacitor/inductor tank circuit. I got it all set up except for the neon lamp. We were supposed to measure the output first. I intentionally set the scope wrong so that it looked like a dead circuit.

"dude.. Its not working.. "

Im holding probes on the wires, with my fingers. getting buzzed the whole time....

"ok, you hold these here, just like I am.. and I'll probe the other parts of the circuit.. maby something will come to me..."

"ok...  AGH!!!"

"ok, so remember that!  Big pain can come in a small package. Never trust electricity."

He continued to be my lab partner, and got 'smart' quick.

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if you ever get tired of licking 9 volt batteries, try a phone cord..  thats a stinger.

OMG i had those wires in my hands when the phone went over.

This was my worst voltage nightmare. I thought i was dying.

I have been hanging under 220 volts several times even burn marks in the end but i can tell you i will never toutch phone wires again.

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My hardest electrical attack was with an 2000 W stroboscope...

I was going to prepare an outdoor event with light installation and there was this black strobo who doesnt flicker in intervalls....so I opened it and forgot (me damn idiot) to cut it from the power .... so i only touched the isolated (!!) cables who going from the circuits to the 2000W-lamp......Zapppp .... or better *WHACKKK  ;D .....I jumped more than 1 meter vertically.....WOOOW that hurts ...... the current comes through the isolation of the cables  :o  :o  ..... my arm feels like burned inside for days

After this shock Im looking 3 times before I touch something inside of electrical equipment  ;D  ;D

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if you ever get tired of licking 9 volt batteries, try a phone cord..  thats a stinger.

Aren't they around 40V???

The phone exchange boxes (the green cab boxes on every street corner) have a hell of a kick to them, If you bear the insulation off on a wire pair then you can feel the charge just through your hand... It can make attaching the crocodile clips a bit difficult.  :-X [/mis-spent youth]

The worse thing I ever did was when I was messing around with my girlfriends Tens machine. I put the pads on my arm and turned it up to full not realising what the effect would be. Ended up with a sprained wrist!


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try a phone cord..  thats a stinger.

This happened me, i was fixing a dialup connection in my attic and had no strippers, so i used my teeth.

i was lying flat on my stomach underneath a desk, and i bit the green wire.

As i did this the red wire moved and touched me on the cheek i think.

Next thing i know, there was a blue flash, and i was standing up perfectly straight after lying on the flat on the floor!  ;D

Seriously, how my body managed to jump back like that without hitting my head off the desk, i do not know. ???

One of the cool things is that the every person has a different resistance in their bodies.

There are some, if not few people that could handle a mains wire, (240V) and not get shock.

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stryd_one: That's the topic: *whack*. As in "*whack* Dammit, I touched a live wire". Any more questions? ;-)

Jep... The first thing i did after I've read "whack" was to look it up in a Dictionary  ;D

There it was translated as "Schlag" in german (hit,impact, electrical shock (coll.) )

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