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Knob orientation (Re`an knobs)


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Sorry in advance for the graininess, etc etc, but I didn't take time to set up nice lighting, and didn't realize how nasty some of the shots were until I viewed them full-size.

First we see some P401, then some P301, finally a "Waldorf" knob beside a 301 beside a 401, on and off a Soundwell (Voti-style) encoder.

Note that the P401 is the slender knob in blue and black.  The black one is the hard variety, all other knobs are soft-touch.  The plan is only to get soft-touch knobs.

If you must see my full-res pics in order to decide whether you want to buy any of these, click here and be very patient.









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Thanks for the photos, neb... any chance you can measure the exact dimensions of the knobs when fully pushed onto the encoder? eg. base of encoder to base of knob?

Actual knob dimensions I can get from a datasheet (where be that anyway?) but what's typically missing is the distance between top/bottom of knob and the PCB (and thus indirectly the top of a panel).

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So the first black and blue knobs are both NOT soft touch right?

The blue is soft touch, the black is not, however the proposal is that we order the black in soft-touch.  In fact, that's the primary focus of this order.

Thats a nice mfb you got there. I never knew they made a drum computer.

I have mixed feelings about it ... it sounds nice, but the sync is sketchy and it doesn't have any swing function.  But the sequencer is neat, the way they achieve a 16-step TR-style sequencer with only 8 buttons ... google "MFB-502" and read the instructions if you're curious :D

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Neubla, thanks alot for the photos. That side by side comparison with Albs is great. I noticed degradation of Albs knobs quality (waldorf model), and even they have best pointer-less knobs for SEQ that was awailable they never was soft-touch and not sure why they called it like that. All other soft-touch knobs that I`ve touched really was soft. That P301 looks very good too, and if there was an possibility to get it with P401 in smaller quantities than multiplies of 1000 I bet people would be interested. Thank you again for your efforts.

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Thanks for the photos, neb... any chance you can measure the exact dimensions of the knobs when fully pushed onto the encoder? eg. base of encoder to base of knob?

Actual knob dimensions I can get from a datasheet (where be that anyway?) but what's typically missing is the distance between top/bottom of knob and the PCB (and thus indirectly the top of a panel).

P301 0.27 inches

P401 0.27 inches

Albs "Waldorf" 0.232 inches

sorry for the inches, I blame my equipment.

These measurements do not include the tab of the encoder.

Link to datasheets is earlier in this thread I think ... but I'll see what I can dig up

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Thanks nebula, that's the gap between bottom of knob and top of the encoder, I can work out the rest.

Oops ... I had about 2 minutes to spare last night and I didn't go back to see what measurement I had to take.  I was mainly concerned about the gap because my SEQ is getting a thick panel.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I have almost finished my in-depth post to the "bulk orders" forum.  I've been home sick this week and I  haven't got much done.  The bulk will be for P401 black soft, P301 in colours chosen by the group, and a small pointer knob in colours chosen by the group as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Thorsten, no problem :) I absolutely respect your removal of my message.

That's why I wrote

==I hope it is ok to post here, please delete this if it is too much commercial==

Sorry for this, I was not sure if I could offer those REAN knobs here.

I also removed my last message from the encoder bulkorder thread and hope everything is fine now.

Kind regards,


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Hello Thorsten, no problem :) I absolutely respect your removal of my message.

That's why I wrote

==I hope it is ok to post here, please delete this if it is too much commercial==

Sorry for this, I was not sure if I could offer those REAN knobs here.

I also removed my last message from the encoder bulkorder thread and hope everything is fine now.

Kind regards,


Hi Frank!

It was not Thorsten who moved it, it was me....Trying to keep things on-topic and where they belong (I put it in the Fleamarket).

Best Regards


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Unfortunately, we might be running out of luck here, unless we can find someone who can read Korean.

I can't find another distributor who is prepared to actually make a sale!! crazy.

I know this was posted like a month ago, but for future reference, if anyone needs any Korean translations, that language is what I do for a living, so I can totally be of assistance in that department.

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