Hate it when I triplecheck all the connections on something and it's still bad. In this case, it was the LCD and I mistranscribed the pinouts. So for anyone else remember it's
1 16
2 15
3 14
4 13
5 12
6 11
7 10
8 9
1 9
2 10
3 11
4 12
5 13
6 14
7 15
8 16
So the numbering proceeds in a U-shape, which wasn't what I am used to.
Fortunately, my LCD (shown here) survived the abuse and after rewiring it was fine.
Here are a few things that caused me to have a little head-scratching on my journey to an MB-6582. The documentation from the parts and the base PCB construction guides is great but after that the hand-holding dies down a bit. So here are a few things I had to look up ... maybe this will save someone the trouble.
Finding the wiring schematic for the LCD should be high on your priority list after the base PCB is done. If you zoom in, you can see a copy of it here in the first figure of page