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Ferociously trying to accomplish the unaccomplishable

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The way Augmenter as a system is conceived cannot be easily explained in one sentence. The first thing to realize is that it is a whole guitar amplification system. It consists of several components, and this compartmentalization is what makes this doable, regardless of the size of the circuit. So let's run down the signal chain. Starting from the guitar and cable, we arrive in the first major building block, which is the pedalboard unit. This consists of several analog fx pedals, a BOSS




After a longer time of absense from the forums, I'm currently in the design phase for something new. As it happens, midibox plays a larger part in what I'm cooking up right now, and so I thought I'd share little bits and pieces along the way. The topic of this project revolves around (guitar) amplification. This involves a lot of analog circuitry, but nevertheless a great deal of digital control by means of midibox hardware & MIOS software, and who knows, maybe one or two people might



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