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lucem last won the day on December 9 2014

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About lucem

  • Birthday 01/18/1982

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    Iserlohn, Germany

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  1. lucem

    New old bee

    Sieht doch schick und sauber aus!
  2. Wie gestern bereits gesagt würde ich vor heute abend nicht an EAGLE zu sitzen kommen, von daher kann ich noch keins meinerseits fertig haben.
  3. Zu Luftlinien: Ratsnest ist ja auch nicht zum Verbinden von Signalen da. Der Befehl sucht lediglich die kürzeste Verbindung zwischen Traces und/oder Pads. Verlegen muss man die dann noch von Hand bzw Vias setzen, wo angezeigt.
  4. lucem

    New old bee

    Vielleicht ja nach ner kurzen Zeit Abstand von dem Gerät weitermachen. DIY ist leider manchmal frustrierend, aber es gibt genug Leute hier, die dir dabei gerne helfen, die Klippen sauber zu umschiffen :)
  5. Wobei zu bedenken bleibt, dass Platinenfläche (variabel) im Gegensatz zu Einrichtungskosten (fix) im Vergleich günstig ist bei der Leiterplattenherstellung. Ich würde mal ausprobieren wollen, wie sich die Platine verkleinern lässt, wenn man die SMD-ICs beidseitig (versetzt) bestückt. Leider würde ich da heute nicht mehr zu kommen, da ein Testlayout zu bauen, sonst würde ich das selbst machen, aber vor morgen Abend keine Chance. Wenn bis dahin noch kein Layout im Thread zu sehen ist werd ich mich da mal selbst dran machen.
  6. Hm, auf den ersten schweifenden Blick kann man da sicher noch das ein oder andere an Platz optimieren. Erlaubt Seeed das beidseitige SMD-Bestücken?
  7. Es sollte doch kein Problem darstellen, neben den Spezialwünschen auch eine standardkonforme SMD-Version anzufertigen. In dem Fall hat jeder was davon.
  8. lucem


    The way Augmenter as a system is conceived cannot be easily explained in one sentence. The first thing to realize is that it is a whole guitar amplification system. It consists of several components, and this compartmentalization is what makes this doable, regardless of the size of the circuit. So let's run down the signal chain. Starting from the guitar and cable, we arrive in the first major building block, which is the pedalboard unit. This consists of several analog fx pedals, a BOSS GT-8 multi-effects unit, a DI and ReAmping interface, and the digital circuitry involved in making the connections between those parts. From there on, by means of a balanced feed of several meter length, we move into the actual amplifier. this one consists of two booster stages, level adaption circuitry, another DI-Interface, four preamp channels with flexible tone stacks, two effects loops, two output EQs, and several types of power amplifiers, so output power can be selected due to the prevalent environment. And, of course, there is some digital control means implemented here as well, interconnected by MIDI with the pedalboard, or controlled by any other MIDI controller for that matter. So, in essence, there will be two cables running between the pedalboard and the amp head, and that's it. That's the system I have in mind, and right now I'm feverishly drawing up circuit diagrams to design the components of this system. My personal goal is to make all this fit onto a single 155 square inch circuit board to order from goldphoenix, which I would seperate into individual modules manually, and build any missing stuff on perfboard. The midibox NG seems like the right start to base the pedalboard switching system on, and the money is still out on the (somewhat simpler) amplifier switching system. If I manage to obtain a crossbar switch IC, I will use that as a rather elegant switching solution. The power amps I have in mind and that I'd like to implement are LM386, TDA1517, TDA2003 (or TDA 2050) and LM3886. I opt for integrated power amplifiers because, in all fairness, they offer way better quality than anything that can be discretely built (as long as you provide proper cooling and won't let them clip). Tubes are out of the question for me; however much I like the sound of tubes, they're just a pain in the ass to get right, and the heat and inevitable wear makes them very problematic. One thing I want to avoid like the plague is ground loops, and thus every connection between independently powered devices (pedalboard, amp head, GT-8, ReAmp input, D.I. outputs) is isolated by using signal transformers, eliminating any chance of forming a hum loop.
  9. lucem


    After a longer time of absense from the forums, I'm currently in the design phase for something new. As it happens, midibox plays a larger part in what I'm cooking up right now, and so I thought I'd share little bits and pieces along the way. The topic of this project revolves around (guitar) amplification. This involves a lot of analog circuitry, but nevertheless a great deal of digital control by means of midibox hardware & MIOS software, and who knows, maybe one or two people might actually find it interesting. Thus, I give you (in a series of posts I will hopefully have the stamina to actually follow through with): Augmenter.
  10. If you can draw a map of the matrix implementation, you most certainly can change it in software.
  11. lucem


    Vom Prinzip her wird sich sicherlich jemand finden. Da allerdings mein eigener PIC-Brenner gerade irgendwo in einer Kiste rumgammelt, würde ich bevor ich mich selbst dafür anbiete erstmal schaun, ob sich noch jemand meldet.
  12. It's been a while, but I've got something cooking.

  13. I didn't notice any deviation, BUT... specification is always subject to tolerances.
  14. For prototyping, I use plywood and paper prints... more sturdy, and you can testmount for actual use until the panel hits the door
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