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follow how it goes with my project MB9090

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Need some help with the transformer

Hey all, I have bought a transformer from Reichelt with 2*15V AC. For the 9090 I need to have a 4pin connection with the following values: pin1: 15V Pin2: 0V Pin3: not connected Pin4: 15V You can see in the picture that I only use one output of the transformer (pin 8 and 10, I do not use pin 12 and 14). Can someone tell me if this is correct? Cheers Jef



Got most parts and started soldering

Studying for the last two weeks for an exam yesterday, I didn't have a lot of time to put in the project. But I now have almost all the parts for the 9090. I used the subatomicglue excel file and got most parts at Mouser. The 2sd1469R I had to order from Nikko electronics (wwww.dalbani.co.uk), the rest I ordered from Reichelt.de. If you would ever consider ordering parts in Europe: reichelt is a lot cheaper the Mouser, damn I which I first looked at Reichelt :-( I waited for the PCB's to



getting all the parts

Hey all, I am starting this blog so everybody can follow how I am doing with the MB9090 project. This can also be a place on this great site where people can find answers if they would like to do the same thing or post comments. I should also mention that I am not an electronics expert at all, I have only made a few small things before I started building a xoxbox. The xoxbox is now working....great machine. I have read through files here and gone through other websites and would like



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