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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2014 in Posts

  1. Hi John, I haven't done anything with jOrgan at all. There are only so many ways these combination actions work and your responses is what I am keying off of for my responses. You indicated that nothing changed when you removed the Matrix board that senses the reed switches for the SAM's. I have to assume that the SAM's are still fluttering On and Off. Is this true? If it is true, do you still see On and Off messages from the LPC core for the non-existent Matrix board? It sounds like the combination action will work the SAM's even though the reed data is not being sent to jOrgan. This is good. This way you can make sure the magnets aren't interfering with the serial data going to the Dout shift registers. You might also look for conditions where the 2 coils of a SAM are being energized at the same time. This can also happen if noise is getting into the Dout SR chain. And I sure hope that after the second cycle of the 1/2 second period that all of the magnets are turned OFF. The magnets can get real hot if they are left on for a long period of time. Pete
    1 point
  2. kPete, I disconnected the kb matrix card that encodes the pedal and the SAMS contacts, and nothing changed. After some thought and checking i remembered that the way the SAMS extension in jOrgan works, after the note on message is sent out, if the SAMs armature moves, the sense contact closes. The SAMS extension looks for the closure, then sends out the off message. it also times out for 500 ms and sends out a second off message. So even if the sense contact is not working, the SAM will be turned off.. however, going through all of the SAMS, at least 1/3 were being turned off by the second timed note off, and the sense contact is not closing. This was confirmed by just toggleing the physical tab on the console. A close look at the matrix and circling the positions based on the hex note #, one full row is not working, and the other positions are random. i suspect a wire is loose for the row, but the random could be wire, or diode. I even found one case where both of the magnet off messages were not reaching the SAM, so it stays energized. need to look seriousluy at that one, so i don't burn up the SAM. More later. Pete, you are knowledgeable about jOrgan, Are you using a linux distro on the pc? johnc
    1 point
  3. Hi John, From an earlier PM message, you indicated that when you press the GC (General Cancel) button, that all the SAM's are being told to turn off, even if they are currently off. If this is the case, we might be able to use this for some of your debugging. Something that worries me (from previous PM) is that with all of the SAM's being told to turn OFF, you should only see OFF Midi messages coming from your SAM reed switches, but you are seeing some ON messages. I think this is part of the problem but not sure. Since the General Cancel button energizes the OFF magnets even if they are OFF, you might just remove your Matrix board from the mix by disconnecting it so the reed switches can't send the spurious ON messages which are muddying the waters. When I say remove, I mean totally remove the matrix board which is connected to the LPC core. Doing this you should not see any Midi traffic due to the matrix board. Now pressing the General Cancel button should still energize the OFF magnets. If all of the SAM's turn OFF and don't flutter, then you know that the problem noise is not getting into your DOUT chain. If they still flutter, check that there are no Midi messages from the non-existant matrix board. There may still be a problem because the DIN serial chain wire is still running thru the DOUT cables. With the LPC board running at 3.3 volts, that input will be much more sensitive to noise from the magnets. Something that you might also look into is the Matrix board input resistors. I don't remember if there are pull-up or pull-down but you might check if they are 10k ohm. If they are, you might want to reduce them so the induced current spikes will not be as bad. And I hope that these matrix reed switch wires are not bundled with your magnet wires. Pete PS - I don't think this information should be part of the MIDIO128 V3 thread. It should have a separate topic all its own.
    1 point
  4. I'm glad you got yours working, too Gerhard! It's a testament to TK's incredible knowledge that he solved this issue with conjecture alone. You and I should update the wiki's blacklist and/or whitelist with our interfaces so the next cats who come upon this are less blind than we were. -I think TK is going to update the LPC17 page to indicate that some USB/Midi interfaces will behave better with the workaround he provided. Just to confirm against better minds than my own: Removing the 220 Ohm resistor only adds ca. 2.5mA to the Midi Out signal path and should not be deleterious to most/any equipment connected to it, correct? Thanks!! dugan EDIT: Gerhard- The kludge is only so that your Midi/PC interface works with your PC & MIOS Studio... You only need to bridge R26 if (for some weird reason) your Midi Out isn't working with your other Midi hardware... in my case Midi Out always worked with my midi hardware, just not with MIOS Studio. ...If it is confirmed (by folks smarterer than me) that there is nothing deleterious about removing R26 (&r21) you can if you like, but I see no reason to do so if it's communicating with the equipment that you want it to. You already have MidiOut 1 & USB to talk to MIOS Studio, there's no reason to have 3 ways of getting Midi Out messages to MIOS Studio... I think... TK (or another genius): The R21 / R26 resistors are only there to rectify the signal to ~5mA if the initial voltage was 5v, right? Cheers!
    1 point
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