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Posts posted by Ripper

  1. Great move, Technobreath. At least you admit you have a problem. That's the first thing to do! wink.png

    Make a schedule for meals, according to your usual one, excluding snacks. Put that paper somewhere you see eat easily and respect that.

    If you feel you need to give a job to your teeth get some seeds, like nuts, almonds, cajuns and stuff like that and you solve the problem. At the same time you will be feeding your body with healthy fat, that also helps on loosing weight.

  2. I weight/eye measure everything I eat since 2003, E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y. except Sundays and 1 week on Summer Holidays.

    At the point you are now, it should be very easy to loose 0.5kg per week. You just have to take out one or two table spoons of carbs each meal.

    As your body adapts you will not feel that need for that bigger quantities as before. Mind that I didn't mention food changes for now.

    The simpler aproach to change food choices is: Eat the thing in their closest natural state possible. I don't mean that you should start eating everything raw (lol), just meaning you should avoid processed stuff, like sausages, ham, ice-cream, fried stuff...

    Well, enough for today. super.png

  3. Technobreath, if you let me I can give you some hints on how to start loosing some nice Kg, BUT (Shit, those "buts" are not cool), you'll have to have the will for that.

    Edit: I forgot you already are following a plan with PT. Sorry.

  4. As for the gm5x5x5, I'd obviously volunteer to do another run if there's enough people on the list. I am fairly sure a lot of the people on the list already have boards, but if there's demand I can contact them and see how many are still interested.


    Isn't this wiki page taken into account? http://www.midibox.o...k_gm5_bulkorder ?

    In case it does, It seems that the numbers are achieved, right? And what about the pcbs, are there minimuns that I am not finding now?

    If it's OK, let's go for it! I'm in.



  5. I know that we can only use 4 UARTs, but would it be worthewile (Or feasible) to add a core 8 (I suppose by CAN) to sum the 2 extra IIC Midi Modules I need, or is there another solution for this?

    For now I can use the 4 UARTs plus the USB ports, once that one of my machines is a Kurzweil PC3K and the other is a Roland Fantom XR,both of them with USB midi. The problem is for future, once that I (Who does ? :) ) don't think to stop my GAS for ever :)

  6. Doing my homework, while I don't get my hands on the solder iron, I'm trying to make a start on the software part of the project.

    I'm trying to understand this IIC address thing.

    I know I have to have one IIC.asm per IIC Midi Module, so the first one would be IIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS EQU 0x10. What would be the other ones: 0x12, 0x14, 0x16? What about the other 2 Midi I/O's of the core?

    And the physical assignation we need to put on J3 pin's. Is there any special procedure for that?

    I'm absolutely sure that those doubts are answered somewhere in the Wiki, but it is a matter of security, not leasyness, as I am very new to this Microcontroller/PCB/C/Assembly thing.

  7. Hi my friends.

    While i'm waiting for the rest of the parts to come, i'm reading and doing the work I can with the parts I already have with me.

    So, to start I'm trying to flash the bootloader for the lpc17, by following the tutorial in uccaps.de. The problem is that the LED on the LPCXpresso doesn't change from 2 to 3 flashes after I disconnect the usb cable and reconnect it.

    What am I missing?

  8. for the eclosure : you can make the faceplate and the ease from Acryl and MDF at Formulor.de

    - just make the plate with "Frontplattendesigner" export it to .dxf

    - open that in "Inkscape" ,

    - correct the mistakes, corners and lines , make the changes to 0,01 mm line and RGB-color B255 (for Lasercut the lines you have drawn)

    - save as .svg and send it to Formulor :)

    ( you can engrave text and later fill it with color or use transparent Acryl and make the text behind the "glas"

    but i still have not found out how to convert text :question: )

    I'll consider your advice, Zossen. :hug:


  9. Hi guys, Just to inform you that this project is not forgotten or the forum is ignored.

    I've been collecting the parts I need for the project. Already have Pcb's, NXP LPC1769 and the LCD. Next month will be the rest.

    Still searching for the way to go for the enclosure, but probably it will be something like an old vcr enclosure or similar. In time it could be changed for a more deserved one.

    A big thank you for this great community and all the knowledge that TK and all the other mages share with us, mere noobs.

    Best regards,


  10. Hi guys,

    How can I connect the extra usb ports? I mean: On the LPC core's PCB.

    Is this ALPS STEC12E encoder, 24/24, vert, MT encoder good for the LCD control of the Midi Router? http://www.reichelt.de/Drehimpulsgeber/STEC12E08/index.html?;ACTION=3;LA=446;ARTICLE=73923;GROUPID=3714;artnr=STEC12E08;SID=11T5Bwf38AAAIAAGwLjiw41da7f1eb285e7486cb567cc7d8aeaf6

    Just ordered some of the parts (LPCXpresso, LPC_core17 Pcb and IIC pcb). Would like to order the rest from Reichelt, but have this doubt on the encoder.

    Best regards,


  11. As I do my reading I think the answer to my doubt 1 is called J4A, am I right? (using IIC Midi Modules, of course)

    Obviously I wouldn't mind if I could use the "no PIC" option, used in J4b and J5b, but I thing I'm putting my feet on moving sand! :)

  12. First 2 doubts (Those noobs...:( ):

    1- As far as I can understand midi in/out3 goes to J5b and midi in/out4 goes to J4b. In the extensions example there is no "J2" for slave chaining as it does on the IIC modules schematics. How should I "chain" the 2 extra in/outs I need? (I need 6)

    2- J5a/b should be enough for direct connection for the 6 buttons and 1 knob, or do I have to shut up and keep on reading (herm... I know i must)?

    Thanks for the answers you may give to me!

  13. Today, with the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 core, it's probably better to create a MIDI merger based on MIOS32, especially since you will get USB-MIDI (and even OSC via Ethernet for wireless transfers) for free!

    E.g. have a look into the MIDI 4x4 application: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fmisc%2Fusb_midi_4x4%2F

    The APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage() function in app.c routes the MIDI events, even for a SQL guy it should be obvious what has to be changed to route all inputs to a single output, no? ;-)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    Thanks TK

    To be absolutely honest I was already convinced that the way would be the midi router project. As such, I've been reading on it and doing my maths (AKA €, lol) with your part lists help ;)

    Now, with this CORE_LPC17 of yours you messed all my plans, hehe.

    Have to start everything again and see if I really have the needed courage to do a 2 side PCB etching AND figure the right approach to the "periferal" MBHP boards I should need to "convert" from your original Core V_3 Midi Router project to the new CORE_LPC17.

    About the MIOS, it looks easier than I thought, althought I'm aware that the doubts on these things only appear when you really put your hands on it.

    Obviously, If I'm going for "some" changes (for me, as a noob, any change to the original is a headache) from the base project, I will try to get the most out of it.

    That being sad, I am considering a 6x6 routing approuch, so that I wouldn't need the ESI M8U Midi Interface, the midi mergers and to change cables everytime I need to sysex the synths anymore.

    My encyclopaedia of doubts will come up to this thread as far as i'm reading more on the CORE_LPC17 thing.

    Once again, a big thanks from Portugal to TK.



  14. Hi my friends.

    I'm fresh meat on this electronic circuitry planning thing, so noob doubts are something that I have A LOT. (not an issue for me to solder or etch a pcb if I have the final project file though, just fixed two old midi mergers this month, lol)

    I've been reading some things here and at the uccaps.de fabulous pages, and would like to do someting like a 5 In 1/2 out Midi Merger.

    So, the question is: May I do it without having to go for the router project? How?

    It's not that I think I couldn't build the Router, but more a question of going for the cheaper option. I admit I don't have a clue of where to start or which is the cheaper way of doing this.

    I suppose that the midi router would be the answer, but the cost is something that counts a lot here.

    By the way, C programming is not my land, I'm an SQL guy. Obviously I thing I can tweak some things in C if I'm guided on the right direction.

    Please, appologise the noob here for this one, but believe me, I am reading on a daily basis on this, and can't see an alternative for this without being the midi router.

    Best regards.

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