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Posts posted by PhilipC

  1. Hello everyone,
    I am a physics student who plays the Hammond. Finally I graduated and I am moving away from my family, but that means I will not have an Hammond to play anymore. Given the very high prices for clones, I would like to build a MIDI clone.
    I was thinking about a configuration using 2 Fatar waterfall keybeds, a B3 drawbar assembly, and some random knobs and switches. I was also thinking about using MIDIbox for the processing. 
    I have a spare STM32F4 Discovery board lying around, and a spare B3 drawbar assembly.
    The configuration would be:
    - 2X 5 octave keyboards (130 switches.) optionally i would like velocity (260 switches)
    - 38 drawbars (potentiometers)
    - approx. 20 switches
    - approx 6 potentiometers.
    What configuration would you suggest to use with Midibox? NG? KB? Is this doable with midi box? What is STM32F4 support state?
    Thanks for your time,
  2. Thanks a lot!
    That's interesting... I'm in the process of starting a  project, and gathering some details. In case I'll start with the STM32F4 I'd be very glad if you could share the preliminary version.

    By the way, may I also ask what's the scan rate Midibox KB achieves?

    I'll let you know,

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