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Posts posted by fastfourier

  1. Hi!

    I don't think there is any public documentation about those plugins. In order to code your own, you should contact Apple or try to do some RE on one of those bundle.

    Yes, I think you're right - I suspect it's part of their Developer program which is $100 a year - bah. I'm sure it will be worth it in the end! At least if I've spent $100 on the tool it will force me to actually finish the project!

  2. Hi everyone,

    Has anyone seen documentation for Logic's MIDI Device Plug-In (.bundle) ?

    I want to make my own control surface but the HUI doesn't really fulfil my needs, especially regarding the resolution of the feedback on the V-pots (11 steps).

    I know it's possible - the V-control has its own .bundle file, but at the moment I'm suspecting it's a closely guarded secret since I can't find any information online, or in the Apple developer documentation.

    I'm hoping someone can prove me wrong though!



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