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Everything posted by esher

  1. esher


    From the album: Building MB6582

  2. esher


    From the album: Building MB6582

  3. esher


    From the album: Building MB6582

  4. Thanks a lot! After tens of tries to write this hex with G540, i did very simple 3-resistor serial programmer (jdm compatible), and then wrote bootloader with PICPgm. Very simple, fast, and with right ID's. Now all chips working fine.
  5. After testing with these config bits (0006 0f13 0080 3fc0 3fe0 3f40), i had come to new strange thing. The board on which i testing the 4685 chip, old 452 chip working fine, detected by MIOS Studio, MIOS uploading and screen telling me "ready". Ok. But with 4685 i receive only "FF"s instead of "f0 00 00 7e 40 00 0f 00 00 f7". there it is: Any hint what's going on? I tried to change FOSC3-FOSC0 to HS w/o PLL, and in that case i catch on midi input another hex "C0 00 random hex"
  6. Hi all, i've got strange chinese pic programmer (G540) which supports 4685 chip at last. I can load hex and burn it, but sofware can't read chip configuration bits (or fuses) from hex (i doubt if they really exist in hex). The line of fuses now looks (in hex): 0007 1F1F 8285 3FC0 3FE0 3F40 Without proper fuses i can't really start testing new board because i dont know if the chip programmed correctly or not. Any help? edit: i found screenshot which shows me configuration bits but i have 2 bytes less than on my config windows: 0600 130F 8000 00B1 C03F E03F 403F edit2: ok, i found that configuration on the screenshot is working.
  7. Таки вышел на ÑвÑзь. ИнтереÑовалÑÑ Ñитуацией на почте, вÑвÑзи Ñ Ñитуацией в марте-апреле. Раньше не отвечал, Ñ‚.к. не был уверен что ответить (видимо, и обламывать не хотел). Ð’ общем ÑÐ¸Ñ‚ÑƒÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð² целом: оплата через веÑтернюнион, Ñ‚. к. не хочет терÑÑ‚ÑŒ деньги в Ñлучае пропажи поÑылки. У Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ ÐµÑ‰Ðµ ничего не пропадало, даже бандеролька одна благополучно пролежала в Ñтом 500 тонном заторе, как раз из СШÐ, и пришла ÑпуÑÑ‚Ñ 2 меÑÑца, так что надеюÑÑŒ и тут не пропадет.
  8. According to russian thread, some russian buyers were waiting for answer about 6 or 7 months, and some got no answer at all. Russian buyers are cursed here?
  9. mb6582 В принципе, можно было бы и кучу mbhp и mbsid по цепочке, но больше заморочек.
  10. esher

    esher's midibox sid

    Almost done but CS is not finished yet, front panel too.
  11. esher

    control board

    From the album: esher's midibox sid

    Control board, not finished yet (missing 1 encoder and wire bus to DIN/DOUT)
  12. esher


    From the album: esher's midibox sid

    The case is small
  13. esher


    From the album: esher's midibox sid

  14. То еÑÑ‚ÑŒ меÑÑц без ответа - Ñто еще нормально. Тоже напиÑал СмÑшТиВи, и фиг его знает, читает ли он вообще почту. Сам бы уже иÑпек платы за Ñто времÑ, были б файлы.
  15. What MIDI interface are you using? I got similar problems with Audigy 2 ZS internal MIDI interface (with Midibox - no response at all; but with other devices it was working well, for example, with Roland SC and Yamaha MU series), semi-working Emu 2x2, but excellent results on FastTrack Ultra and ESI Juli@
  16. Unsoldered, unstarted. I tried to contact SmashTV about shipping cost (to Russia) but got not answer. So, may be there i will find the one who has unnecessary PCBs. PayPal available.
  17. Hi all. I just soldered all the PCBs from Mike's shop, tested all DIN's and DOUT's, CORE - all is working fine. But with MBSID v3 there is a problem with interconnection test. During the test i only can get result for #CS pin which changes from 0 to +5v when appropriate key is pressed. But no results from A0-A4 and D0-D7 #RES pins. I thught it may be bad 74HC595, but installing new 595's was no effect at all. Can it be PIC problem? All cables and other PCB solderings was checked ten times - no errors. All power pins shows the +12 and +5 where it must been. Any idea? edit: after testing separately 595's i found that all 595's are good and working with A0-A4 and #RES, but then in other place (connected to D0-D7) is not working, and when is placed - the first 595 is not working too. edit2: accidentally, now is working all 595's. I think it was bad socket connection. Sometimes it need to be written about the problem, for kicking myself to solve the problem.
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