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After using my SEQv4 for several years, I have encountered a strange bug that may be hardware or software related.
When I select track button 3 or 4 in edit mode and activate step 1 and 2 (GP1 + GP2), these buttons and the step view button are freezed and can't be changed anymore unless I select a different mode or track. Since I think I am the first to have this problem, I suspect it is a hardware error. All these buttons are connected to DOUT3 of shift register U7. But swapping this IC with the other 74HC595 didn't help.
Is this still a software bug? It would help if somebody with a wilba panel could confirm or deny this strange behavior. DOUT3 is the only SR of the shift register, that has 2 free pins. Maybe this is a problem?
Thanks and a happy new sequencing year to everybody!
The two sides of R1 have +4.98V and +12.00V so I guess the LM4040 is bad as well.
Thanks for you support!
I really don't know how this happened, I managed to miss-orientate all of the opamps!
At least a learned now how to desolder smd parts with hot air....
After resoldering them in the correct way, the module shows the two top led in red, the 3rd in green the 4th dim red and 5-8 green again. In the CV configuration page 1st led reacts to cv1, 2nd to cv2, and 4th led to cv3. all the other leds show no sign.
Is it possible that i burnt the opamps? I used the hot air (300 C) for about 1-2 seconds on each opamp.
The cable is ok. I get the +12 / -12.
Layout would be great.
Thanks Michael
Hi everybody
I have problems with my eurorack expander a1 cv module. It seems that I have a short somewhere on the transmute8 board. The tiptop uzeus (eurorack power supply) is blinking, which tells you that the module is shortening the power. This also happens if I connect the transmute8 without superdac and octal boards. I already checked for solderbridges and orientation of the powerplug. Is there a schematic of the board I can use to find the short? and whats the best approach to find it?
Best Michael
PS: I attached the cv module directly to J19 of my core module. this should work, right?
very nice!
no. but it's still on my todo list.
i'll post the command line if i work out.
Dear Peter,
thanks for your reply. I'm thinking about another approach with groups, patterns and tracks that has more flexibility and could solve this. But I worrying that it also would lead to a MBSEQ V5 ....
Best Michael
In my setup I used to assign MIDI ports OUT1-4 (and channels) to all the tracks I needed. I saved several patterns / groups with this settings.
Recently I changed my hardware setup to Quad IIC. Unfortunately all my patterns are saved with OUT1-4 ports. Is there a way to change this without editing every track and saving the pattern again?
I might also want to change my setup temporarily to use the USB ports for this patterns and experimenting with the sounds of the softsynths on my computer.
I reckon there is a best practice to do this. Maybe sending CC using a loopback track to set/change the MIDI ports? But before I dig deeper into this I wanted to know if I'm on the right track or if there is an easier / more elegant way.
programming under windows with the gui version worked perfectly. now everything is running.
if i find the time i will investigate into the command line options for pk2cmd. i think programming should also possible with this software.
thanks everybody for the support.
i checked pin 6. the firmware is not running. when i read the memory of the pic i get just get FF00s. i also tried programming with different voltages. same result.
so i guess programming is not that straight forward with the pk2cmd software.
i have the diamex programmer. i think i have to install windows for the gui version...
I used the IIC_MIDI Test V1.002 application. the scan command lists for IIC1-4"not available". I haven't soldered the red (status?) LEDs yet.
I use SmashTVs quad_iic board, the 10uF cap are there, but not green LED. For now I think the problem is the pk2cmd software. I'll have to install a virtualbox for the gui / windows version.
Yes, the PICs are programmed with:
./pk2cmd -P -F project.hex -J0 -M
But I use 33pF caps instead of 15pF ( I ordered the wrong ones because the part list reads: Ceramic capacitor "33"). I think this should be OK since the Load Capacitance of my quartz is 18pF. Am I wrong?
Anything else I could have missed? Any debugging steps?
Thanks a lot Michael
2 hours ago, TK. said:
A scale editor is still on the Wishlist:
Great! I did not see this.
Until then I can change the scale in the source code for my custom firmware.
regards Michael
Just now, EsotericLabs said:
But maybe I digress, who plays complex jazz on the seq after all?
Well... thinking of it, this might be quite interesting!
10 hours ago, EsotericLabs said:
So a force-chord-to-scale function should look rather at the 1-3-5 principle
Yes that's exactly my point. But rather than in 1-3-5, I prefer thinking in intervals of semitones 3:4 / 4:3, and if the mapping is correct we don't even need a "intelligent" function:
Let me explain: (although I suppose you know all this. but then it might be also of interest for others ;)
Every (classical) chord is made by playing every second note of the scale. Because our scale has steps of semitones ( mi-fa + ti-do or EF + BC in C-maj) and whole tones, we end up with a stack of major 3rds (4 semitones) and minor 3rds (3 semitones).
A major chord is defined by 3 notes with the intervals 4:3 (semitones) , a minor chord has the revers sequence: 3:4
With a major scale we get major chords on the I IV , V minor chords on the ii, iii, vi and the diminished chord (3:3) on the vii
We can extend it by a fourth tone and we get Cmaj7(4:3:4), Dm7 (3:4:3), Em7 (3:4:3) Fmaj7(4:3:4) G7 (4:3:3) Am7 (3:4:3) and Bø7 (3:3:4)
The beautiful thing is that all these chords sound harmonic together, and almost every song follows one of the classical patterns. Here's a nice database https://www.hooktheory.com/trends
Now, if we want to play one of these patterns we can use a chord track and transpose the chords. But then we have to know if the base tone will be one that has a Major(7) chord or a Minor chord. If we pick the wrong one or if we want to change the pattern on the fly we are in trouble.
But if we take a major (or maj7) chord transpose it and force it to scale we will end up with the correct chord all the times IF the mapping is correct (that means if the notes that are not on scale are forced down. And we can change the pattern on the fly.
This will work for every case on a maj and minor scale. the program doesn't need to be "aware" that it is playing a chord (1-3-5 or even 7):
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 00 C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C | | | | CEGB (maj7) | |< | | |< | DFAC (m7) | |< | | |< | EGBD (m7) | | | | FACE (maj7) | | | |< | GBDF (7) | |< | | |< | ACEG (m7) | |< | |< | |< | BDFA (ø7) |< | : notes forced down
Right now as I explained in my previous post we get a chord with the intervals 5:2 for every minor chord. that's a perfect forth and a major second. both having a quite different harmony than what we want.
This all of course, only applies to all the western scales. But then I don't know about the harmonic of the Indian and Asian ones.
Regards Michael
2 hours ago, Hawkeye said:
Thanks for the feedback, and it is always nice to learn something new!
I sometimes had similar problems with transposing and FTS sounding strange, so maybe more users would benefit from such a configuration option and vote for this feature?
In the end, TK. needs to weigh this feature request against the other open requests and the wishlist and all other time constraints. If everything fails, I'd be willing to have a look at it (in a few weeks) - the option to sharpen or flatten if out-of-scale seems to be quite standard (also from the six4pix manual), so this would probably be a good (and easy) start...Many greets!
PeterLikewise! I'm always happy to give something back to this great community.
An an additional feature would be nice. I in the meantime I just work with this small change to the code:
Changing the Major Scale in seq_scale.c line 63 from
{{ 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 11, 11, "Major " }},
{{ 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 11, "Major " }},
I havent checked it out but I think this should solve the problem for me.
Regards Michael
5 hours ago, Hawkeye said:
Small music theory understanding question...
If notes do not match during the force-to-scale process, Is an option of "transpose a halftone up" / "transpose a halftone down" always sufficient? Doesn't it depend on the input notes? And aren't there any cases, where some notes should be transposed up and some down?
Because, technically, such a switch could probably be implemented in the options without much pain, but I am wondering, if it will solve all "scaling" problems (or only solve some problems for certain source scales/chord progressions)?Many greets,
I agree, this is a request that should be looked at carefully. My example is just for the canonical chords on a Cmaj scale.
I looked at other software how the approach the problem:
Abletons "scale" effect allows fully customization. on a 12x12 input matrix every input semitone (x-axis) has an output semitone (y-axis). A chromatic scale would have the marked (orange) dots on the diagonal. As you can see the Cmaj presets is forcing the semitones down (but this can be changed by the user) :
This would obviously be the most excellent solution. Instead of predefined scales we could have a table for input/output notes with presets for defined scales.
Another approach is this one: http://six4pix.com/arpie/manual.html#span
It lets you choose if you want to sharpen (force up) or flatten (force down) the notes.
Regards Michael
I realized that "force to scale" is forcing all "non matching" notes 1 semitone UP. This leads to non expected chords when I work with chord progressions:
The minor chords end up being 1st 4th 5th instead of 1st 3rd 5th.
Forcing has to be one semitone DOWN to solve this.
For example a Cmaj scale with a root chord of CEG and the progression vi | V | iii | IV gives me ADE | GBD | EAB | FAC instead of ACE | GBD | EGB | FAC .
(I do this with a note track, but I think its the same with a chord track)
If I choose a root chord of DFA and transpose it 2 semitones I can fool the SEQV4.
But it would be nice if this could be changed! Thanks!
When in Jam Mode and using the BLM as keyboard only Track G1T1 will record. The others don't work.
Is this a bug or a limitation of the software?
Thanks Michael
I'm having lots of fun with my BLM. So much fun, I actually ask myself if I ever will put my SEQ with the wilba CS in a case because I use only a few buttons and functions (mostly for configuration).
In the urge of having more control over the SEQ via the BLM I said "hello to my hackable device"
and implemented these few lines in SEQ_BLM_ButtonCallback to access the parameter layers:
.... case BLM_SCALAR_MASTER_ELEMENT_EXTRA_ROW: { if( blm_shift_active || blm_alt_active ) { // no function yet (actually I added a function) if( !button_depressed ) { u8 new_parameter = button_x; ui_selected_par_layer = new_parameter; BLM_SCALAR_MASTER_ForceDisplayUpdate(0); } return 1; // MIDI event has been taken } ....
But I'm really just a hacker and have no real experience in programming.
It works so far but I'm aware that it needs more refinement. Adding trigger layers, led feedback etc.
I thought it might be worth getting implemented. Any thoughts?
I just powered my SEQ with my Lab PSU and everything works perfect!
thanks and sorry for the noise. still in the early beginning with electronics....
I haven't yet soldered the Schottkys. My transistors are soldered with very little tin and I still haven't found a neat way to bridge the gap.
Is it possible to bend down the pins of the Schottkys or will they break easily? -
ok my bad. at least it's easy to fix!
Troubleshooting Wilba hardware or SEQv4+ software bug
in MIDIbox SEQ
Dear Andy
Thanks for checking on your side. I bought two replacement 74HC595 today and everything is back to normal
But indeed, those Matias switches look very nice! Maybe I will pimp my SEQv4 at some day. In the meantime it is mainly the "brain" because I control most of it with one of your wonderful 1st gen BLMs!
But then the 2nd gen is quite tempting... the only thing I miss are more OUTs (4xI2Cs) to run it standalone. Any thoughts in this direction?
Greetings Michael