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k-rAd MB6401

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Posts posted by k-rAd MB6401

  1. On 8/13/2016 at 5:20 PM, k-rAd MB6401 said:

    Confirmed R59.


    i have soldered a wire from ground to the side of R59 closest to the usb jack and it works. I finally got around to trying this. Now i can use my mpd18 with a homeade usb -b  to usb -b cable. Having 16 pads hooked up to the 16 trigger outs is going to be sweet!


  2. 20 hours ago, yogi said:

    So I looked at a Disco board and it looks like CN5 pin 4 goes to R59 0 Onms, you should be able to solder to one end of it with some 30awg 'wire wrap' and test with it pulled to GND (any convenient board GND).

    Your case looks really handy for accessing the IO. With sockets on the back it is a neater look if everything is static; but if you have to play with cables often, you end up having to pick it up and turn everything. Like it.

    Good luck, Yogi


    Confirmed R59.


  3. Wow yogi. Thanks for looking into the disco board for me. I will try this and report back. 


    Yeah i I wanted all the jacks to be accessible. I hate reaching behind stuff to find a jack. Also the seq was intended to sit in front of a modular setup. So it's not static at all. The cv/gate, clock, and triggers are used for different things in every patch. Bending the front panel was a little scary but fun. ;)


    My my whole life is playing with cables. 

    seqv4 progress.JPG



    K-rAd_seqv4 usb b.JPG

  4. Hey yogi. Thanks a lot. I pretty much came to the same conclusion. Add a switch to ground pin 4 of the micro usb on the disco board. 

    I'll most likely leave a jumper in at j17 and just never use the Ac plug when connected to a computer for Sysex updates  


    Thanks for the kind worlds. I need to post some pics of my box all finished. As soon as I had the thing working I sort of stopped documenting. It's just so fun to play with. 

  5. 1 hour ago, latigid on said:

    To clarify the above post: if J2 is used for power, then J17 should be open.



    This is true. For safety reasons j17 should be open when powering the core externally to prevent frying your computer when you plug in the usb. However, when you need to power a midi controller through the usb and you are using external power for your core, j17 must be closed to give 5v to the midi controller. So now you have to be carefull and never plug the midibox into the computer with the external power supply connected.

    I still need a solution for a usb otg cable with a usb b jack on the end. ;)

    If i make this cable will it also work when the midibox is not a host? Or will i have to switch the cable for a normal usb when doing a sysex dump.

    This would be not cool as i would have to open up my seq every time i wanted to switch from otg to normal usb


    I hope this makes sense. Thanks for any insights.


    Maybe all i need to do is short pins 4 and 5 on the micro end of the cable inside my box.????




    usb otg.jpg

  6. Ok. I'm pretty sure my problem is the cable.  


    I installed a USB b jack on my seqv4 case that connects to the micro usb on the discovery board.

    So now i need a way of converting an OTG cable to usb b on both ends. doh:


    i made a usb b to usb b cable but that only worked for powering the device and the midibox wont go into host mode.

    Is there any way that i can add a couple resistors to my diy cable to make it otg? 


    edit: i think i screwed my self by putting a usb b jack on the midibox as i only have access to 4 pins of the micro usb on the discovery. I wanted a more robust connector. i think micro usb is too precarious. damn.

  7. If i am using J2 to power my STM32F4 core with a 5v supply and i  want to try USB host mode.....i should put a jumper in at J17?

    Then I will need to be careful not to use an external power source and plug the USB into my computer at the same time?

    Is this correct? I'm afraid to fry stuff as i love my seq right now.

    I'm trying to use an akai mpd18 as a USB input to the seq. the mpd18 has usb only.

    otherwise i will have to buy a kenton USB host to use these devices?



  8. i'm not sure if i'm the first to find this problem.....

    Drum triggers from analog out  via ch16 will turn off if a delay of "0ms" is selected on all the midi outs in the bpm page.

    In other words I can mute and unmute my 16 DOUT drum triggers by toggling between 0ms and -1ms on any midi out in the bpm page.

    Currently running v 4.089 maybe this is already fixed in v 4.091?

  9. i'm not sure if i'm the first to find this problem.....

    my drum tracks from an analog out ch16 will turn off if no delay is selected on any midi out in the bpm page.

    i can mute and unmute my analog out drum tracks by toggling between 0 and -1ms on any midi out in the bpm page


  10. Holy Crap!

    All of my issues are fixed!

    Due to installing the GM5 DRIVER!


    This explains why my mios sessions were so hit and miss.

    It would work and not work intermittently. The larger the file the less likely it would make the transfer.

    I was getting corrupted sysex dumps causing all sorts of issues!

    It corrupted my SD card it won't work now?

    Now i can succesfully us the mios file browser! It was acting very strange previous to the GM5 install.


    I missed that part of the documentation.

    So very sorry to have wasted your time TK. 

    And yes i'm using the stm32f4!

    So the 230% cpu on idle is ok then? seems to run just fine.


    Thank you so much for all of your help!

    Your the best TK!



    "Windows7 64bit: the SysEx communication gets stucked if a MIOS32 core opens more than one USB port (like MIDIbox SEQ V4).

    • Workarounds ensure that your are using MIOS32 Bootloader V1.010 or higher, and install the GM5 device driver. Alternatively you could install the Korg USB driver as reported  but the GM5 driver seems to be better."

    This was true for my version of XP SP3 as well. The real story is that i ignored this because it said win7 64bit.



    GM5 device driver is the answer!

  11. with a new session i see 236 cpu! when stopped.

    and 00 cpu when playinng.

    something is goofy:)

    At this point i believe i have fried my sd card and this is why the sudden change in everything!

    I will need to get a new SD card to confirm.

    After re installing the bootloader. and reinstalling .086. the midibox refused to recognize the sd card. "searching forsd card forever"

    going to buy a new sd card tomrw. :)

  12.    [14650.487] router

    [14650.462] MIDI Router Nodes (change with 'set router <node> <in-port> <channel> <out-port> <channel>)
    [14650.462] Example: set router 1 IN1 all USB1 all
    [14650.462]    1  SRC:Def. off  DST:Def. off
    [14650.462]    2  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]    3  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]    4  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]    5  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]    6  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]    7  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]    8  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]    9  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]   10  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]   11  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]   12  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.462]   13  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.463]   14  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.463]   15  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.463]   16  SRC:Def. off  DST:OUT1 off
    [14650.463] MIDI Clock (change with 'set mclk_in <in-port> <on|off>' resp. 'set mclk_out <out-port> <on|off>')
    [14650.463]   USB1  IN:on   OUT:on 
    [14650.463]   USB2  IN:off  OUT:off
    [14650.463]   USB3  IN:off  OUT:off
    [14650.463]   USB4  IN:off  OUT:off
    [14650.463]   MID1  IN:off  OUT:on 
    [14650.463]   MID2  IN:off  OUT:off
    [14650.463]   MID3  IN:off  OUT:off
    [14650.463]   MID4  IN:off  OUT:off
    [14650.463]   IIC1  IN:---  OUT:---
    [14650.463]   IIC2  IN:---  OUT:---
    [14650.464]   IIC3  IN:---  OUT:---
    [14650.464]   IIC4  IN:---  OUT:---
    [14650.464]   OSC1  IN:off  OUT:off
    [14650.464]   OSC2  IN:off  OUT:off
    [14650.464]   OS IN:off  OUTf
  13. Hmmm. Still no good. I found a usb device called "USB Composite Device" that appeared when plugging in the midibox.

    I removed it.

    Then replugged.

    Then finds new hardware "seq v4".

    your new hardware is ready.....



    but still no go.


    tried again by removing "USB audio device".

    finds new hardware, reinstalls drivers.


    but no usb connection in mois.


    I'm stummped.


    Again, i can see midi input via the mios midi monitor with start stop. also seeing input on the mios terminal.

    Just seems no midi output via USB.


    This is my on and only issue. Everything else works! :smile:


    previosly with .086 when i would plug in the USB the seq would hang at "searching for sd card". Then when the mios connection was established it would continue into pattern edt mode.
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