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Posts posted by houly

  1. Hello Thorsten,

    Thanks for your link. You notice that for 64 encoders the scan timing is about 32us @72MHz, but at which frequency do you call the scanning routine in the main loop (I suppose...) ?

    for the moment the code is too complex for me (I try to switch from ASM PIC to ARM C), but it gives me a good challenge to try to understand it !


    thanks again



  2. Hello all,

    I'm looking for a case (desktop case) for the SEQ V4 project, do you know where I can find this type of case ? I would also want to add led matrix from the BLM project, so the case need to be bigger than the presented one from TK.


    I also would want ot know how I can do for front panel, I was very surprised of the gjvti front panel () and would want to have same result. I live in France and I don't know how I can do to do the "same"...


    I hope that you could help me


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