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Image Comments posted by Midilator

  1. Thanks for the quick response - especially after the thread is 'on life support' (not yet a zombie ;)

    The LEDs are indeed super bright (~250 - 1000 mcd for the various colours). However, in the setup how I would like to design it, I would use only 4 multiplexed channels instead of your 32, so they would be approx. 8x as bright. Did I deduce that correctly? (I assume the duty cycle of each LED is 1/32 at the most because of multiplexing - or do I misinterpret they way your setup works?). That would mean that I can use LEDs that are 8x less bright than yours to achieve the same physical brightness (while the max duty cycle would be 1/4 in my case).

    The PMMA mask is very cool! Did you create these yourselves? If so, with which method? (3d printing, molding, etc.). Again - only if you would divulge this information!
    In total - I would be very proud of myself if - at some point in the future - I would be able to achieve something remotely as cool as what you did :)

    Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions!

  2. Dear @Antichambre,

    This looks spectacular! And especially cool, since I was looking to build such a solution myself - without the OLED (but I'm quite the beginner at this so I'm at a far earlier stage).

    Couple of questions - if you would be wiling to answer them:

    1. Which rotary encoder do you use? A standard "24 PPM" one with quadratic encoding? The reason I'm asking is that I was looking for a higher resolution solution, but that is hard to find (endless pot or hall-effect sensor was what I was thinking of)
    2. What is the exact part number of the LEDs you used? I had a certain bright LED in mind, but if you use a cheaper less bright one, that might suffice (judging by the video)
    3. Did you solder the LEDs on yourself? Reflow?
    4. Is there an update to your project site?
    5. Would you be willing to share schematics in a downloadable format? I'm sorry if this is considered rude (if it was not meant to be open source) - just don't know what your stance is on this.

    Thanks for any info you might be willing to share!

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