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Posts posted by vit

  1. On 9/21/2019 at 2:49 AM, themodulator said:

    Hello, I had the same questions and found the answers here:  http://midibox.org/forums/topic/20590-lpcxpresso-ide/  

    The subversion repository for the sample player mentioned here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midibox_sd_card_sample_player has been migrated to github. Just follow the links from here:  http://svnmios.midibox.org/

    Very belatedly: Thanks for the context!

    (Just now getting back to this project after a few months, since some other stuff was going on in my life.)

    Even version 8.2.2 of LPCXpresso IDE didn't work on my version of Ubuntu (19.04), so I downloaded the MCUXpressoIDE instead (which was a task in itself, since it requires a custom install procedure on newer Ubuntu). Then I figured out how to upload the Midibox LPC17-core firmware to the LPCXpresso1769 board using MCUXpresso IDE (pretty straightforward actually).

    My next step is to reread all the info on the Midibox Sampler's circuit, then build the circuit on some perfboard.

  2. Hello!

    I've (perhaps foolhardily) bought all the components to build a Midibox Sample Player with a "minimal circuit"-style LPC1769 core, since this thing looks like the best option to fill a percussion-sampler-shaped hole in my music setup.

    This is the first Midibox-related thing I've tried building, but I have some general electronics experience (advanced Arduino stuff and so on).

    The first problem I've run into is... The tutorial for the LPC1769 core says to download the LPCXpresso IDE v5.2.6 (not a newer version!) from a specific website, but that website seems to have been bought out by a different company, and they only seem to be offering the latest version of the LPCXpresso IDE instead, and requiring an oddly strict signup process to download it as well.

    Also I'm on a Linux computer right now, which I vaguely remember hearing might be a problem for the LPC1769 core setup process?

    I don't want to just rush forward and try things blindly, because in the past I've screwed up a couple projects that way, and I don't want to repeat that sort of scenario. So... Hopefully someone can shed some light on these problems?

    Edit: I went and made an account on NXP Semiconductor's website, and they only have versions of the LPCXpresso IDE going back to 6.0.x. Hmm... Still not sure what angle to approach this problem from. Should I just get a newer version of the LPCXpresso IDE and figure out how to load the LPC1769 core's precompiled binary onto the LPC1769 from there? This seems like the obvious next step but I'd prefer to hear from people who know what they're doing first.

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