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  1. Actually I just found this part of the documentation, which appears to answer both of my questions. In case anyone else doesn't see this on the http://www.ucapps.de/index.html?page=midimerger.html MIDImerger page, I'm quoting it here for discoverability:
  2. I'd like to cascade 2x MIDImerger so I effectively have a 3 -> 1 merge. I saw via this post that someone has already done this, and it was successful: In that post, they mention that both mergers share the same power supply. Is it possible to simplify it further? For example, if I'm using 2x PIC16F88 and have PIC #1 -> PIC #2: Can I omit the 6N138 on the cascaded input between the two PICs and connect TX from PIC #1 directly to RX of PIC #2? I should only need one Power LED and only the second Tx LED. Can I just leave pins RB0 / RA1 of PIC #1 disconnected? This is the schematic I'm looking at http://www.ucapps.de/midimerger/midimerger_pic16f88.pdf from this page http://www.ucapps.de/index.html?page=midimerger.html Thanks!
  3. Can someone burn 4x PIC16F88 chips for me with the 1.5 firmware from this page http://www.ucapps.de/index.html?page=midimerger.html? I want to build a few MIDImergers! I'm in USA (near Boston, MA) Thanks!
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