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Posts posted by bosone

  1. I just discovered that my old sequencer 2 (built in 2004) is not working anymore.

    there is power, the screen lights but nothing happens

    I have tried to open it to see if there is something wrong but it's a complete mess... moreover i did not used it since years and i am not planning to use it anymore. trying to repair it would mean to waste a lot of time for me.

    i'm giving it away to anyone willing to pay at least the shipping costs (i'm in italy). i would really prefer not to trash it... you can recycle the case, the encoders, the 2xLCD (don't think they are backlight) and some ucapps boards (and whatever you like!)

    here are some photos of its construction: http://www.alchemystudio.it/Strumenti/Sequencer/Sequencer_en.html

    if you can contact me directly by email (matteo at alchemystudio dot it)

  2. I would like to share with you my latest release: "AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 INSTRUMENTS"



    More informations here: http://www.alchemystudio.it/Musica/GiroDelMondo/GiroDelMondo.htm


    Reason is that I have used the midibox SID and the Sequencer in one of the songs, named "Postcard from space":





    The project comprises 13 video-songs in which I play 80 instruments, mostly acoustic, and collected around the world.


    This is the project description:

    I collect music instruments since 2001, when I went to India for the first time during my PhD. The very first traditional instrument I purchased was a sitar: it has a wonderful sound and immediately reminds of distant cultures and places. Just a few notes are sufficient to depict a distant country...

    During the following years I had the occasion to visit many countries, both for work and for leisure. Each time, when I got in touch with a different culture with its own musical traditions, I have tried to find some very typical musical instruments. So, during my travels and over the years, I collected a lot of instruments: several of them are very ethnic and have their own story about how I found them and how I purchased them. You can read some fun notes following the songs and the links you will find in these pages. My general idea was to collect cheap and "odd" instruments, that I can maybe use in my productions to give a distinct sound and a particular colour. I also built a couple of instruments following some ideas I have in mind. But I also have a lot of other "standard" instruments purchased in Italy at flea markets and in shops. Some other ones are part of my life and of my "musical history".

    I began to use these instruments in my songs and one day, in 2013, it came to my mind the idea to make some videos of myself playing my instruments, and to specifically compose songs to blend them together. I decided to put together sounds from cultures very distant from each other, both culturally and geographically. I decided not to follow any music-philological direction. I just played what it came to my mind in that particular moment, expressing my feelings and my musical ideas. I made very different songs, not confined to a specific genre.

    Counting all my instruments, I realized that I have more than 80. I admit that in a single case, I asked a friend to lend me a specific instrument that I missed but that was absolutely needed to complete a song.

    Eighty musical instruments from the whole world. And 13 songs that usually reflects memories of travels, ideas of distant lands, foreign cultures and traditional sounds, and depicts original atmospheres and soundscapes.

    I finally decided to board on a musical journey around the world. Following the steps of Willy Fog in the novel of Jules Verne, I named my project "Around the World in Eighty Instruments": follow me and enjoy this musical trip!

    Download from bandcamp: https://matteobosi.bandcamp.com/album/aroud-the-world-in-eighty-instruments

    Youtube playlist:

    I'll be happy if you share my project in your networks! :smile:
    • Like 1
  3. i'm planning to upgrade my old midi keyboard with a new one (akai mpk 261), that will have onboard controllers.

    this means that my midibox, build on 22/5/2005, will not be needed anymore.

    is there anyone who would like to buy it??

    it was built in a wooden case, it has 16 encoders, 16 pots, 1 joystick, 15 buttons on board and 2 external button controllers (one derived from a joypad). i mounted a single led-ring that indicates the state of the encoder you are moving.

    the display is not back-lit


    maybe some encoders / pots need some replacement because they jitters a bit...


    inside there is also a midibox-merger because my midi keyboard was connected to the midibox before the PC, so the box has 2 MIDI inputs and 1 output


    I sold it "AS-IS", don't expect any assistance if something goes wrong! :-P

    It has 1 bankstick with 8 presets but i think i have some spare chip to add more banks.

    the core is a PIC18F452IP

    it comes with NO power supply!


    i really don't know how much it is worth so if you are interested make an offer... 

    consider that shipping to europe means adding about 20€ for the shipping.





  4. hi!
    i have a GM5x5x5 midibox midi interface which works well


    i have just bought a used korg nanokontrol and i'm trying to install it but it does not work.

    i see the driver and the nanokontrol is recognized by windows, but i don't see any MIDI I/o port.


    i though about an issue with the ploytec MIDI driver.


    i have tried the nanokontrol on another PC without the gm5x5x5 driver installed and it works.


    is anyone using the nanokontrol with the gm5 interface?????


    i'm on win7 64 bit the the driver for the OS is officially supported by korg.


  5. Due to continuos inactivity, i would like to sell my midibox AC sensorizer with 2 distance sensors, 1 spectral symbol ribbon control (I have also a second ribbon somewhere, with a different length) and a pressure sensor (sensym DX01G2 - http://ucapps.de/midibox_ext/breath/sdx01g2.pdf).

    the box is built on protoboard inside a common electronic project box.

    you can see some example here.

    this was the original thread of the construction:

    http://www.alchemystudio.it/Strumenti/ACSensorizer/ACSensorizer_en.html (here the ribbon controller part is outdated: i replaced the custom controller with the spectral symbol one)

    If permission of sale is given, I will post some more photos and details. Dont' know about the price...

    I prefer selling in europe using paypal or bank transfer.

  6. ok, i'm trying... :)

    i have several PIC from old projects which i do not use anymore, and some SIDs.

    I also have a built MIDI-thrubox somewhere (1 midi IN, several midi OUT - it's not a midibox) , now replaced by the GM5x5x5. plus a display (not backlit).

    I will trade them for a built MBHP_CORE_STM32, so that maybe i will upgrade the sequencer from 3 to 4 with a small effort. Really, i do not time and willingness do build it from scratch! :)

    I have to offer:

    1 SID 6581 R3 taken from a commodore 128

    1 SID 6581

    1 PIC 18F4628

    2 PIC 16F877

    1 PIC 18F452

    2 PIC 18F4685

    1 display, not backlit, should be 20x2

    1 softpot, linear, from spectralsymbol, 50 cm long

    (i will not use this things anymore!)

    the miditrhubox should work, it is like this project:


    (not exacly this).

    But it is without power-supply: it was power directly the PC thru the joystick port, but it is not difficult to modify. I have the schematics.

    if you may be interested, contact me for the details...

  7. just strumbled across this:


    a similar concept could be applied to create a new kind of midibox controller


    Be your own DJ in a very colorful way! The BeatBearing Sequencer is an exciting, entertaining and innovative way to rock to your own beat. Move the ballbearings on the transparent grid and you change the beat.

    Lots of musicians use a computer to create beats and sequence mixes, but I wanted something to use with other musicians or in a live performance, plus have a unique and cool look.

    The idea of the BeatBearing sequencer was born.

    What is the BeatBearing? It's a computer interface overlaid with the grid pattern of metal washers and ball bearings. The plastic transparent case is what transforms the sequencer into its uber-coolness. The system is controlled by an Arduino microcontroller, and the screen is an old computer monitor cradled in a milk crate.

  8. Hi!

    If you upgrade your SEQ V3 to V4, then you gonna sell all your software sequencers!!! :thumbsup:

    Best regards!


    i admit i was tempted... but considering that i have not so much time to spend on it anymore, i prefer playing guitar/keys and make music and that the use of sequencers - apart Sonar! :D - is not so important in the music i make now, i think i will stay with software seq... and let someone else upgrade this one! :P

  9. this is the baby:


    honestly, in the latest couple of years not using it very much, and since that i recently bought reaktor 5 i found a large number of software seq very interesting more suitable for home recording.

    so, i'm considering to sell the sequencer that i have build several years ago.

    the appearance is not so appealing, i know... i upgraded it to the latest 3.x version, it's working (i can make some video if requested).

    obviously, if sold, it would be sold "as-is", but honestly i do not know how much could i ask. i do not want to "earn" money but i would like to sell it for a reasonable value, otherwise i would keep it... :)

    it has the standard 3x configuration, all the board were bought from a PCB maker and solfered by myself. several "recycled" cables and stuff was used. the front panel was self-made and could be replaced, but you must detach and re-solder all the keys. it is not so wasy for me to open and describe what's inside or make photo of the board because it is on a desk with other stuff onto it.

    displays are not backlit, keys are from an old PC keyboard, rotary encoder were bought.

  10. this fall i will be in the USA and i think i will definitely buy an ipad (in dollars in more convenient than in euro! :P )

    there are tons of interesting musical apps.

    i still do not understand if the MIDI communication can be achieved with a PC, and how...

    will i have to buy additional hardware??

    seq+BLM for ipad is such a wonderful thing... :)

  11. i admit i did not understand a lot about how it works, but the prototype seems VERY interesting...

    the only drawback is that it seems to require a 8x8 audio interface for signal acquiring.

    any chance to do this with MIOS??

    Soundplane 1

    Soundplane 2


    "The Soundplane 8x8 is a force-sensing surface you can build yourself. It's made from wood, rubber, copper and plastic. It's entirely passive, meaning that there are no electronics inside that require power. Instead, an eight-in, eight-out audio interface along with DSP software is used for sensing and calibration.

    Please see the NIME 2009 paper, written by Randy Jones and colleagues at the Univeristy of Victoria, for more information and construction tips. A more thorough, step-by-step guide is planned, but the information here should be enough to get your controller started. If you have questions, get in touch via our forums.

    The software requires Max/MSP/Jitter to run. The Max/MSP/Jitter SDK is needed to compile it. All of this software is Mac only, but should be easy to port to Windows. I'm releasing it under the MIT License, which basically says: reprinting or use of the software must be attributed, and the software comes with no warranty.

    There is a lot of tolerance in various parts of the design, including thickness of materials. If you can find something close to what is specified, try it!"

  12. i saw the MIDIbox BLM video and i got really impressed by the work and by the idea.

    i would upgrade to seq 4 just for having some other cool stuff to build.

    but a question is arising...

    could iPad or even a similar hardware, in the (near) future, substitute MIDI hardware such as the BLM or even the sequencer?

    obviously iPad will cost much more than the DIY BLM or sequencer, but this is just the basic concept idea.

    so, what would the hardware version of BLM have that iPad could not have?

  13. It seems to be easy to save patterns, songs with the MB Seq V4.

    Why not share these patterns, songs so we can learn from one another. :laugh:

    Even without musical skills you can play with the MB Seq

    i admit i never saved patterns and i have not used the seq for a lot of song... so i have not much to offer, but i would interested in trying someone else patterns!

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