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Everything posted by TzanhZsu

  1. Thanks, i searched for something like this one :) TzZ
  2. Hi, this one goes out to all the lucky people that already have build a MB-Sid. I want to build a midibox-Controller, and i need to know if 29 Knobs are enought (or to much) to programm and use a sid. Thanks a lot, TzZ
  3. Hi, this one goes out to all the lucky people that already have build a MB-Sid. I want to build a midibox-Controller, and i need to know if 29 Knobs are enought (or to much) to programm and use a sid. Thanks a lot, TzZ
  4. Would it be possible to build this MB with the new MB NG? It has: 8 MotorFaders 64 Rotary Encoder (with 16 LED's) 14 Displays 1x8 for Naming of the Faders and the Groups 1 Display (4x80) 6 Buttons for Groups Changing 6 Buttons for Sequencercontrol (Play, Pause, FF usw) 4 Buttons for the Menue Thanks in advance TzZ
  5. Would it be possible to build this MB with the new MB NG? It has: 8 MotorFaders 64 Rotary Encoder (with 16 LED's) 14 Displays 1x8 for Naming of the Faders and the Groups 1 Display (4x80) 6 Buttons for Groups Changing 6 Buttons for Sequencercontrol (Play, Pause, FF usw) 4 Buttons for the Menue Thanks in advance TzZ
  6. I Have the parts for the old MB64, from the past times where there was no MBHP. But in fact i don't know which parts i can use and which i need to buy :/ I'll look through them and search for the Parts needed TzZ
  7. Okay, but is there a way to connect them together and use them with one Mini-in? Thanks i.a. TzZ
  8. Okay, If i buy the needed MBHP-Kits for an full featured Midibox, what do i need additionally ? I have the LED's, The Knobs and the LCD. Do i need something more? Thanks in advance TzZ
  9. Hi, Is it possible to connect 2 or more Si-Modules to one core? I want to connect 6 Sid-Modules to one core and build it into one Case. Thanks, TzZ
  10. Hmmm, gute idee :o Das och da noch nicht drauf gekommen bin .... Danke, wenn ich was raus bekomm bekommt ihr es als erste mit ;) TzZ
  11. Okay, but i have the Parts allready and i need to buy some new, because i buyed them a long time before the MBHP startet. I think i should finish this one ;) I'll build another later, and for that box I'll wait for the NG I'll build it without this feature. No Problem. TzZ
  12. Is it possible to use some LED's to show which bank is used? So that you can see which bank is selected on first view? Like a Led row where every Led stands for one Bank? Or is there another way to let me se it?. BTW, is there a way to insert 2 seven-segment LED's over each string of the Midibox (if it's aranged like a Mixer) and show other Numbers for every bank? So you could Number your Channals and use 7 Knobs and one Fader per String. Would be a nice thing, but i guess its not that easy ... The first one whould help, so i could use it on a printed Matrix to see what each pot means ;) TzZ
  13. Ja, sollte so sein, sonst bringen die ja nichts ;) Natürlich muss es von der Software unterstützt werden. Die gängigen Sequencer und synthesizer unterstützen es aber. For the other readers: bolotov asked if the LED ring changes his status when selecting an other bank, so that he can see the status of the selected on. My Answer: Yes, that's the idea, in other case it would be useless. But the Software has to support it. Hope i didn't lie to him ;) TzZ 8)
  14. Okay, now I'm comming to get ya ;) go to www.besonic.com/TzZ and youl find my last song. I'm working on it, so you can say it's an ruff mix. Would be nice to hear if it's okay to you guys. I didn't use my midebox, couse it's not ready yet, but the next one will be midiboxised :) TzZ
  15. Adapt is an real buttshaker ;) I like your style. TzZ
  16. I think all of them are cool, but The desert thin kicks ass
  17. Hm, okay, that should work, but i need it emty inside. I want to put the Led-Ring inside of the Knob. So you can see the state of the knob in the knob. I think this will look really nice. So, i need it empty inside. Thanks for your idea, but it doesn't work as i need it ::) Other Ideas? Tzanh
  18. Hi, hab die frage schon im PartsForum gestellt, aber ggf. gibt es hier ein paar leute die nicht in die englischsprachigen Foren schauen, deswegen dieser Doppelpost. Ich suche nach Knöpfen die ungefähr so aussehen: http://www.waldorf-gmbh.de/micro_q_lite/photos/mQkey_lefthands.jpg Halt der Rote. Soll auf die Drehregler meiner MB16E. Gerne auch größer vom Durchmesser, aber halt transparent. Am liebsten Farblos, aber ich kann auch mit farbe leben ;) Nun meine Frage, kennt einer von euch eine Firma die solche Knöpfe anbietet? Danke im vorraus TzZ
  19. Hi, does anyone of you know where i can get sone of this Knobs? http://www.waldorf-gmbh.de/micro_q_lite/photos/mQkey_lefthands.jpg The cute red one. It don't have to be red, it should be colorless, but i can live with color if its the only way :D They will be used for an MB16E. Thanks uín advance TzanhZsu
  20. Hi, Da iich mich länger nicht gemeldet habe (altes Forum) werde ich euch direkt mal mit ein paar Fragen zuballern ;) Da ich meine Bauteile für die Midibox64 noch vor dem MBHP bestellt hatte mus ich nun noch ein paar Sachen nachbestellen. Damit sich das Lohnt werde ich direkt noch Teile für eine MB16E bestellen. Sie Soll als HardwareMixer zur Steuerung von Traktor benutzt werden. Dazu hab ich ein paar Fragen: Ich möchte zwei der Potis benutzen um das Waveformfenster zu bewegen, also das abgespielte. Hat jemand Traktor und kann das mal testen (ob es überhaupt möglich ist? Kann man mit jedem Button die Bank ändern? Danke im Vorraus, euer TzanhZsu
  21. Genau das hab ich auch gedacht als ich mich dadurch gelesen habe ;D TzZ
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