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Posts posted by djsegler

  1. I remember someone had already tried Sonar with some success. I've tried to search for that thread but can't find it. I know it works - but can't remember who it was!

    I plan to build the beginnings of an LC unit - probably just the shuttle and zoom buttons for now. I'll add the other stuff later. When I get it built, I'll let you know how it goes.

  2. How much room is there inside the body of the fader? I haven't purchased any yet, but it seems like you could use this same approach, but mount a very thin, long spring inside that makes contact with the side of the handle as it moves.

    By the way, anyone know a US source for the metal knobs to use with these faders?

  3. Xile,

    I read your post and saw the "quick" fix that Thorsten did. I'm also happy to hear that it works with Sonar 2.2!

    Can I ask how many channels you chose to make? 16? 24? I'm hoping to make one like the new Tascam US-2400 that has 24 individual faders and a 25th one for a master fader.

    Are you using the Panasonic or Alps faders? I'm thinking of getting one of the Panasonic faders and seing if there is a way to modify it to make the touch sensitive option work with it somehow. I know people have tried a few things, but there must be some way to add a wire or another contact point that touches the slide lever!

    Finally, what LCD configuration are you using - 2x16, 2x40, or graphical, or ?? ?

    I'll be curious to hear how yours goes since it matches what I want to do!! I hope you won't mind a few more questions!


  4. Would it be possible to connect a wire to the sliding post and connect that to the touch circuit of the Midibox? If the connection is solid enough and the wire is flexible enough, it should move with the slider without failure and maintain a good connection for the touch circuitry to work.

    Is there any other way to modify the slider so that there is another conductor that is always in contact with the post while it moves?

    Has anyone tried this? It seems worth trying for the price advantage of the Panasonics!

  5. Thanks! I did find under the Core page under the connector listing table. I found after more careful reading that J11 is the port used to connect multipled cores together.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that on the "slave" core modules, the optocouplers should not be installed to avoid midi corruption. That way the "slave" cores only get their midi data from the "master" core and nothing else. Is that correct?

    Is my understanding also correct that the "master" core power supply can feed the other cores or should I wire them all to the power supply independently?

    Thanks again for putting up with the dumb questions!

  6. Is there a forum thread or a tutorial somewhere that outlines the procedure for downloading the operating system and or application code? I've found many code fragments under the hardware platform projects sections, but there are not too many instructions on how to use them (or modify them).

    I'll have to go check the MIDIbox Syx Loader and Editor sections to see if there are specific instructions on how to use the code.

  7. The block diagrams above are great - but how do I connect multiple cores together for having more than just 8 MFs with touch capability? It seems to cover everything else I need.

    Also, what code do I put in the cores? Do I install the basic MIOS bootstrap and then download the standard build for all of the cores or do the MF only cores need some other code installed since they are not funcitoning for anything else?

    I'm getting closer to understanding all that is needed to build a LC or mackie clone, but now I need some help with the software side of things so I know how to get it working with Sonar 2.2 once I build it! Any links out there on that subject? I've searched, but haven't found anything detailed enough yet.

  8. Thanks - I think I have found that one already. The problem is that it does not cover minor details like how to interconnect the multiple cores for having more than 8 MF. I just need a very simple block diagram that shows all of the pieces I need (cores, DIN, DOUT, LCD, etc) and how they are connected (via which port) so that I know what to build and how to interconnect all of them.

    The seperate tutorials are great for building each piece by itself and how to connect it to a single core for that function only, but there seems to be no solid tutorial on what it takes to get multiple cores working together. I'm even lost on the programming methodology and what the slave cores have to have installed into them.

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