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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. Hello, I'd like to exchange my Modulation Wheel on my keyboard which I want to modificate with a 10K FSR. Does anyone know where to get such an Force Sensitive Resistor in Germany? I already used the search option in the forums and several german electronics suppliers but had no luck yet. Perhaps I use the wrong search terms, as I don't know how FSRs are called in Germany. Does anyone know an adress where to get those and perhaps anyone knows if it is possible without problems to simply exchange the Mod Wheel with such an FSR? Thanks a lot, Best Regards, Flynn
  2. Hi, I´d like to modify my MIDI Keyboard and additional to the normal pitch wheel I want to build a Ribbon controller that acts like a pitch wheel, which means that is has to be a 10K reistor that normally has 4K when not used. I found a link to build a simple Ribbon controller and I built this and tested it, but that pice of video tape got me no signals. Has anyone an idea how to realize such a ribbon controller? I already read some pages about force sensitive resistors (FSRs) but I don't know if this is what I need. Are there any electronic components that already are such a ribbon controller which act like a potentiometer with 4K in unused state and up to zero and 10K down and upward? I searched on german sites already but didn't find anything. Would be great if there would be anything like that. Thanks a lot, Best regards, Flynn
  3. No, I´m looking not for a complete keyboard, but only for some extension to connect between Keyboard and PC (or other MIDI In). Look there: this should be something like it: www.flynn.de.vu/pitch.jpg Does anyone know a solution to build such a thing?? Or a link or an idea or something else? Thanks a lot, Cheers, Flynn
  4. Hi, thanks for your fast answer, this sounds extremely interesting. With more pots in they Keyboard included, I could also add some more controllers. But.....which MIDI controller number has the pitch? I never found a number for it, but I know Modulation is 1. Thanks a lot, Best Regards, Flynn
  5. Hi there, I´d like to get a small MIDI keyboard which fits better on my desk. My keyboard which I have now a little big with those speakers and stuff. The only problem is, I have not much money. So I looked on eBay for a MIDI Keyboard at low price, but had no luck. All keyboards at low cost have no pitch and no modulation wheel. So I thought about an external solution for that, perhaps a MIDI controller, so I landed on this page. And now, two days after long searches on the net, I ask here: Has anyone an idea or a link to a MIDI project which explains how to build a little box which has 2 potentiometers in it which work like a pitch and a modulation wheel and which are connected between the MIDI keyboard and the MIDI connections on the PC, just like this little Midi merger or Midi filter/processor project on this page? Or has anyone an idea or a link to some sort of project to upgrade an existing MIDI keyboard with a pitch wheel? The most important factor is that it has to be at a low price, because I just can´t afford 100.- € for a used keyboard with pitch and modulation. The maximum amount of money I can spend is about 50€ or something. So I thought buying a keyboard without pitch and mod wheel for about 30 € or something and upgrade it later. Hasn´t anyone an idea how to do that? That would be a very good idea, because it would save lots of money for many musicians who can´t afford that much. Even for musicians who want a portable remote or strap-on keyboard. They could buy a cheap MIDI Keyboard with no pitch, build that project into a tube which they stick onto that MIDI keyboard and go along. And the best thing on that idea is that most of those cheap MIDI keyboards on ebay are battery operated which. Has anyone an idea or a link? Thanks a lot, Flynn
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