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Everything posted by guatamaham

  1. thanks, George! sounds exactly like what I'm after then. (though I'm not sure what your other links were referring to, just trying to use this feature in general, i assume?) now I just need to figure out how to get started from here. sounds like a MIDIBox 64 to me... anyone know where I can get some cool switch/LED's? as you might have guessed, I'm looking for some like this: http://music.calarts.edu/~tehn/(tehn)mlr.mp4
  2. update: according to the Ableton forum, yes Live will send out a MIDI note when the clip is over. for those unfamiliar with Live, a clip is just an audio (or MIDI) sample or sequence. you can have them loop over and over or you can have them play once. and you can assign a MIDI note (or CC) in Live so that when the note is received, the clip is triggered. my problem was, will Live send out a note when the clip is over and this is what I've found out to be true. in short, what I need from the MIDIBox is that each button/LED sends out a MIDI note when pressed and then turns its LED on. when Live sends back a MIDI note (with velocity 1, I'm told) when the clip's finished, the LED goes back off. simple enough, right? can I make a MIDIBox that will do this?
  3. basically, here's what I want: - a MIDIBox with many LED/switches (i.e. a switch that's also an LED) - each switch sends a note or CC and switches the LED on when hit, this fires a clip in Ableton Live - when the clip is over, it sends a note/CC back and the LED turns back off I'm posting to the Ableton group to see if clips will send notes or CC's when they're done playing... But is this even theoretically possible with MIDIBox? Do I need to do anything special in order to get the LED's to toggle like this? This would be my first project and it seems simple enough, I'm just curious if it's feasible and is as easy as it sounds. Thanks in advance!
  4. Okay, I am certainly a newbie to all of this. So I apologize if my questions are incredibly basic, uninteresting and uninformed. But I'm having a hard time putting all of this together. Is there a fundamental issue that I'm missing? Because to me it seems as though the information for building a MIDIbox is sort of scattered throughout this site. I'm not entirely sure what information I need, though; so I'm not even sure that I have all of it (after searching around a bit). Is there a "how to get started for newbies" documentation somewhere? That is, a step-by-step tutorial on building (not operating) a MIDIbox? It would be nice if I just knew: what parts I need to build the box I'm interested in (and how to get them, if anything custom/special needs to be done), how to assemble these parts of mine into the modules and how to put the modules together to work. Some of this information is on this site, but it's often in a global form (for all MIDIboxes) rather than localised to a specific box. I would love to get started on this, I just have a lot of questions still; far too many of them to begin spending the money and time on this. Again, I apologize if my questions are overly newbie :-) Any help is appreciated.... Thanks! Joe
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