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Posts posted by sil909

  1. Hello all !  


    Mios controlled anyone?  

    Also  i am probably reinventign the wheel here but..

    Other IDeas (i.e. little things that keep me up at night  )

    MIOS driven Midi Effector.   Basically a knob box with selectable midi IN and OUt ports.    

    Midi chain  

    MIos Sequencer-_out_->Midi Effector-_out _->Device ( synth, noisebox,sampler etc. )

    the Effector would generate  Sysex, NPRN, Patch/bank change messages, RPN, CC.  you would select the channel to 'Effect" ( the channel coming from the SEQ ) and then either call up PRE generated stored messges, or do manual edits with  knobs, touch surface, joystick ..whatever.  The messages get merged with the data from the SEQ and then to the device making the noise.  

    Why do this ?

    well, U can store a bunch of messages in bankstiks.  and call them up on the Effector menu and apply it to any midi channel coming thru..  

    1)   A  gate effect  sequenced out.   channel 1 is hi hats..

      Call up the gate program, select channel 1. enter.

       BAM instant gated Hi hats.

    2)    A filter sweep or swell,  sequenced out a number of  

      measures for a transition in your set with a note off and Program change to end it.


     Call up your "Awesome Transition 1"  program..

      Select channel to sweep.  enter..  

     Your sweep starts... you count it out ( time it)  then switch patterns for your new sounds called up by the automated prg change in PROG.

    Now.. not sure if this is possible atm.  

    I believe you could store these events as META events or whatever.  anyway  I finally have source of income and about to start building...

    Thanks again TK and Midibox community :)

    happy soldering :0


  2. ^ -- this is my current design direction  with performing in live in mind.

    MIOS SeQ (PIC18)-> control patterns and triggers  to sampler

    MB64-> control surface for sampler.

    Other IDeas (i.e. little things that keep me up at night :) )

    MIOS driven Midi Effector.   Basically a knob box with selectable midi IN and OUt ports.  

    Midi chain

    MIos Sequencer-_out_->Midi Effector-_out _->Device ( synth, noisebox,sampler etc. )

    the Effector would generate  Sysex, NPRN, Patch/bank change messages, RPN, CC.  you would select the channel to 'Effect" ( the channel coming from the SEQ ) and then either call up PRE generated stored messges, or do manual edits with  knobs, touch surface, joystick ..whatever.  The messages get merged with the data from the SEQ and then to the device making the noise.  

    Why do this ?

    well, U can store a bunch of messages in bankstiks.  and call them up on the Effector menu and apply it to any midi channel coming thru..  

    1)   A  gate effect  sequenced out.   channel 1 is hi hats..

           Call up the gate program, select channel 1. enter.

            BAM instant gated Hi hats.

    2)    A filter sweep or swell,  sequenced out a number of      

           measures for a transition in your set with a note off and Program change to end it.


          Call up your "Awesome Transition 1"  program..

           Select channel to sweep.  enter..

          Your sweep starts... you count it out ( time it)  then switch patterns for your new sounds called up by the automated prg change in PROG.

    Now.. not sure if this is possible atm.  But exploring the possibilities.

           Bam!  instant Filter sweep

  3. ROFL   I jsut reread te thread after repsonding to arum's post.

    here is what Tk said

    Remind that the development and documentation of another hardware platform possibly requires more effort than you really want. During the last years I've read from a lot of people who planned something similar, but finally gave up due to unexpected problems. Don't think that bigger microcontrollers can do the IO handling much faster than a PIC18F, and keep in mind that once you are using external memories, good system knowledge and soldering skills are required. The setup of a new platform and operating system requires good debugging tools, mostly they are not free available (maybe ARM7 would be a good solution, but a useful IDE costs at least 2000 EUR!)

    So, from my experience I can give you following advice: if you plan to implement a much more powerfull, reproducible, standalone DIY sequencer with fast success and open possibilities, than use a cheap embedded PC board, use Embedded Linux as operating system, and use an external PIC18F452 (running under MIOS) to handle with the control elements (buttons, encoders, LCDs, LEDs, etc.) - connected via RS232 to the PC. The advantage of this approach would be, that everybody who owns a PC (from 386 upwards) can try your software, so there is no need for bying expensive hardware for the first tests.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    this is exatcly what i am talking abotu above.

    an embedded pC board using Linux, with mios for control functionality.

  4. yeah.. expensive is the word. but it got me thinking about using some dsp's maybe from motorola and using linux.

     I think the hardware control portion is the easy part to do for a DIY project.  and Linux is free. I am not a "programmer per say.  but I think I an hak my way thru it.  there is an incredible amount of information out there regarding embedded systems.   90% of the time the big cost for music products ( controllers, VS synths etc. )  per unit would be the software.


    Chips are fairly inexpensive in comparison.

    The Midi box projects offer a wealth of value and posssibilities and inspires me everyday to new projects.

    My Idea was to create a sequencer and control station for my Roland M-DC1.  Older dance expansion box.   I need 8 parts or sequencer tracks.  Control features assignable to track. But more than likely dedicated sysex commands and functions for this particualr unit.  to make for interesting LIve PA.

    at least 1 part will be a drum sequencer for what roland calls there "Rythym Track"  .  SOme of the MIDIbox Sequencer functions could be used, as well as some midi effects type functionality.    

    The next step beyond that would be a home made DSP effect unit.

  5. With the  coming release of the new sequencer project.  First of all,  Iwould like to say... WOW !!  to TK.  

    I intend to use this project for springboard for a 16 trk (more less?) sequencer.  Those of you with like minded aspirations, lets collaborate on this thread.

    TK had to say this:


        16 track sequencer: everything is possible

    BUT: only with some disadvantages, which

    I don't want to consider in my implementation.

    With 16 tracks it wouldn't be possible to store the whole  

    pattern in RAM. The sequencer core has to read the  

    pattern directly from EEPROM instead. This has no

    timing disadvantages (remember that sending a

    MIDI event takes 1 mS, an EEPROM value can be  

    read within 10 uS...), but it makes realtime editing

    via MIDI impossible. Most parts of the control surface

    handler would have to be changed, so that only

    the select track is buffered in RAM. Features like  

    Morhphing wouldn't be possible anymore, since this  

    requires a second data set of the layer values.

    The whole SysEx store structure would have to be

    changed to a new format, it wouldn't be possible

    to store 128 patches in a single BankStick, but only

    32 or so... a second JSynth GUI would be required to

    take the changed data structure into account (note:

    realtime editing with JSynth wouldn't be possible  

    anymore), and last but not least: a second documentation

    would be required and somebody who answers the

    questions to this different implementation.

    Just take this into account...

    And to repeat it for the guys who didn't read my other  

    postings regarding the reason, why I only

    need a 4 track sequencer: I'm using it as creativity

    tool. Once a nice sequence "works", I record it with

    Logic, and the MBSEQ is free for the next track.

    Sooner or later I've to rearrange and mixdown the  

    sequences anyhow, and for this an editor like Logic is  

    much more efficient (yes, in this situation I really like  

    to use a mouse).  

    If you really want to record, play, arrange, mix a whole

    song with a standalone device, then you have to program

    something which has been done by Emagic or Steinberg

    15 years ago - on the Atari ST (a second-hand Atari costs  

    you less money and less effort)

    Arumblack: for every CC's you have to use a seperate

    track. But see above, why more than this doesn't make

    sense. It is possible to chain multiple MBSEQs (synced

    via MIDI clock), but it isn't possible to control them from  

    a single control surface (it would have to save all

    editable parameters in RAM anyhow)

      So control surface handler would have to change as well as sysex format.    Would it be possible to use a "processing core" to handle the  ram buffer ?

  6. anyone want to work withme on 16 track version ?  I know there are a couple users on this board with "super-sequencer" dreams. I am among them.   Lets work on this.  I am looking to  build a dedicated sequencer for my roland M-DC1 ( only need 8 trcks with dedicated code for M-DC1 sysex functions). and another sequencer ( 16 trks ) for my modules and sampler.  Intended use is for live PA.

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